Chapter Sixteen

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The train whistled loudly before letting out a puff of smoke. Late comers ran out of the barrier and hurriedly into the train with quick goodbye hugs and kisses. Children who got on early and were waiting for their friends sighed with a bored expression as they leaned against the glass window blankly looking off into the distance. 

Amidst them was a very hyper and impatient Mary who just wanted to breathe and get out of her mothers' clutches. She desperately tried to let go as her mother drowned her in kisses and lectures and told her a gazillion times not to get in trouble but she should've known better than that. 

"Mum..Let go I'll miss the train!!!!" Mary pleaded as the second year grew redder with embarrassment. 

"Yea Jane just let her go" Her father smirked as her mother left Mary who was immediately pulled into another bear hug by her father. 

"Ugh I should've known this was coming" Mary said glumly and with a hint of annoyance. 

Finally after a lot of pleading she was let go of as she quickly ran up the steps and boarded the train last minute before the engine roared to life and the train slowly picked up pace. 

"Bye mum Bye Dad!!!"

"BYEEE Don't forget to write to us!!!!" They said together and soon the train was out of sight. 

Beth huffed and stared out of the window with a frown, her best friend had left school and she wasn't sure if she would ever be happy again. Lost in her own thoughts, Beth didn't notice the compartment door slide open as the person who slid in took advantage of her oblivious state and pranked her. Confetti started falling from the ceiling of the compartment and a dungbomb just blew up at her feet as she screamed and was brought out of her thoughts. She looked around but saw noone and furrowed her eyebrows. 

The silence was soon broken by a laugh, a very familiar one for Beth and she slowly looked up. Her expression was priceless with what her eyes had caught sight of. 

"MARRRRYYYYYY!!!!!!" She happily squealed as the brunette on top quickly slid down and hugged her best friend tightly. "SO glad to have you back.. but.. what ? how? when?" Beth smacked Mary's arm, "AND You couldn't send me a single owl!!! The nerve!!" she said before playfull glaring at Mary. 

"Relax, I'll explain it all. We've got lots of time" Mary said before sitting down across from Beth, "but before all that..I suggest you apply some perfume. My nose can't bear this horrible stench"

"Well it's all your fault!!!" Beth replied before the girls burst out laughing. The sun rode across the sky was now setting a deep purplish hue to the evening sky as the train slowed down to a halt. 

Children and teenagers excitedly poked their heads out and within seconds were all crowded onto the small platform as they made their separate ways. Beth and Mary were nearly trampled as they fought their way through the crowds and towards the carriages. The two hufflepuffs found it hard to even walk in such a crowded place and could barely see anything as everyone towered over them despite them being taller for their age.

Mary huffed in annoyance and finally sighed in satisfaction as she climbed a seemingly empty carriage and hauled Beth up. However as soon as they both were on the carriage did they realized they weren't alone. Mary would've preferred anyone, even the stinkiest guy in school to be in her carriage, anyone that wasn't him.

It was too late though as the invisible force started pulling the carriage forward and jerked Mary and Beth to reality as they huffed and took a seat opposite the boy. 

"Your friends did leave you after all didn't they Black?" Mary joked to try and lighten up the tense atmosphere but it seemed he took it in a totally different way, "Well as you can clearly sea.. mine didn't" she smirked and that pretty much just fueled Sirius as you could see the smoke coming out of his ears. 

There was silence. Like the silence before the storm and finally he snapped. 

"Oh shut up Poppins!We just got separated in the crowd why the bloody hell do you care??!-" and so went his rant and when he finally stopped and breathed in to calm himself down Beth whistled. 

"Someone sure did wake up on the wrong side of the bed" She whispered to Mary.


"Welcome Students to another year at Hogwarts and welcome first years we hope your journey starts of well!! Here are a few start of term announcements, the forbidden forest is strictly forbidden. Quidditch try outs for every house start next week, only second years and above can try out and Finally, please welcome our new Defense against the dark arts professor Jane Giggles." A young woman around the late twenties stood up and smiled as everyone cheered, "Your old teacher Professor Cornflakes had a horrible accident with a bowtruckle and is now in the permanent wing at St.Mungos. Anyways now that we are done with our feast. Prefects may lead their house to the common rooms. GoodNight everyone!! Chop chop!" He smiled and soon everyone started getting up and shuffling about as the great hall started emptying itself. 

Mary and Beth yawned tiredly as they watched the prefect tap the correct rhythm and they all entered. 

"You know what Beth... I'm too tired I really don't wanna do anymore pranks ever. I think I'll just focus on my studies this year" Mary sleepily said as she climbed up the girls' dorm. 

Beth snorted, "We'll see how that works out in the morning now won't we?" 

The two tired girls just nodded before slumping down in bed and before they knew it they were deep in sleep...snoring. 


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