Chapter 6:We bacame friends

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Gosh ! what he said is truly shocking ! that explains why he haven't even turn his face on me to explain whats going on. As I stole stare on him I realized and familiarized by his face . He is the one who saved me from the fox and also from this scene . I judge him first before even knowing him , So I think I 'll give him a chance to be friends with me.

After a second He looked at me , so I look in opposite direction for him to not notice that I was starring on him.

" Sorry for the way I introduce you to them . I just don't know what to say ,but Thank you for staying in the flow." He said to me with a low voice.

" Why didn't you just say Iam lost and I just need to go to our home?"I said curiously.

" If I said that, then they will already notice that you are a human."He said

" Why ? Whats wrong with that ?". I questioned him.

"Humans are not allowed in here Miss, If they knew that you are, then we're supposed to be dead by now". He said to me with a smile.

I noticed that he was a bit charming and .. and handsome I think. I ask him again " Then why did you bring me here?".

" If I did'nt then you should probably eaten by the fox last night."He said with a wink.

I was speechless for a moment then suddenly I ask again . " Why are you worrying for me?".

He did'nt speak back ,he look down To hid his face from me then he said " I can't answer that for now".

I stare on him curiously .

Then he stole a look from me but he did'nt know I was looking on him. I saw his face , Red as my hood. I don't know why is he acting like that. Its just Our first time to meet .

He break my conversation from myself as he speak." Here is my house .. It will be yours too for a couple of days feel and stay at home". He said to me .

I climb in the stair with him . As we reach his house without a door.I saw again my basket at the table. As I open it , It's empty ?

" Sorry I ate it last night . You see, I haven't eaten last night because of you". He said to me while he was smiling.

"Hmmp. fine I forgive you , I owe you many times so its ok." I said to him.

"By the way , I haven't know your name . Can you tell me ?".He asked me.

"My name is...Alice and you?",I said as I stretch my hands towards him.

" Jake , just Jake ",He said while looking at my hands .

He looked confuse . He scratch his nape as he stared me . I smiled , The way he react means he didnt know what I intended to do so , I approached his hand as I hold , shaking it . I saw a glimpse of red on his cheek . but maybe that was just my imagination .

" Well then Mr. Jake just Jake , Nice to meet you and thank you for all that you did for me but can I ask you a question? Do you how to go to the Morning village? its where I live, how can I return there?. "I asked as I stopped shaking our hands .

" Sorry but I never went anywhere exept from the forest. We are being hunted by the hunters so we often leave our village . but There is a wolf here that loves adventure , he went into many places , I think he knew what you are talking about  ." He said

"Great ! then where is he?".I gleefully said .

" Sorry Alice ,but I don't know where he was right now . but don't worry he always  return here by the end of the month." He said

"Great, so I'll have to stay here until he comes , How can I stay here without them noticing that I am a human?."I said to him as I narrowed my eyes .

He gave me a fake wolf ears, like a headband ,sort off. And a fake tail

" wear this ,its my toy when i was a child . I tend to be like a great wolf, double ears and tail ", He explained.

"That was a great Idea" ,I said to him while checking out the ears . It was so cute and fluffy .

I wonder what it felt like If I were a real wolf.I cant help but to look at Jake who is standing with his back faced me . His details . The fur , the tail . Im so curious about them. my Thoughts suddenly stopped as someone spoke out of blue .

" You guys are really careless !". Someone from outside just spoke. I felt shock because I thought someone heard our coversations.

" It was bren, don't worry he is a friend ." Jake assuring me.

" Talking that kind of secret without a door ?",Bren said as he walk by towards us.

"It was your fault thou", Jake said to bren.

" I know. well I'll fix it today jake. and also, Nice disguise miss !". Bren said with a wink on me.

While bren is fixing jake's door , Jake walks towards me and Fixed his bed . maybe he is going to sleep . well , I can sleep on the floor so no problem .

" You can now sleep in my bed Alice ! I'll just sleep on the floor".He spoke , making me fuss .

" Huh ? is that ok to you ?". I said worriedly . I really thought he is fixing that for himself .

" I have done it already ,.Its ok". He said with smile.

" How gentlemen ". Bren said while fixing the door. Sounds of wood filled the place as Bren startes to hammer .

I chukkled and lay down on jake's bed . I fall asleep quietly .

Jake's point of view

As red fell asleep . again , I stare at her for awhile .

" you like her don't you?". bren said while fixing the door.

I speak nothing . until bren speak again."Its Done ! Jake we will have our group hunt tomorow, wake up early."

As bren left my house , I started to Sleep .

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