Your Dad's been arrested

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Liv's POV

Today is the hearing, I am certainly not looking forward to it and I'm still angry that I have to testify but I wasn't allowed to work the case. On top of that me and my dad still needed to sort things out, it feels weird calling him that "Dad" for years I only ever addressed him as my mothers rapist or my genes being half cruel. Carisi went to pick up Olivia from my flat as she had stayed the night with me after he took Ellie and Noah to school. I sat in the court house going over so many memories....the last time I testified in front of  jury was when Lewis...."

"We had Consensual Sex, didn't we? Detective Benson?" "that was not sex, that was assault"

"Liv?, Liv?" I was taken out of the thoughts in my head by Amanda. "Hey, sorry I was just..." "What?" asked Amanda. "Thinking" I sighed and put my head in my hands, as Amanda came and sat next to me. I started to laugh. "I can't believe I'm worrying about a hearing, that idiot is going to get sent down anyway, and anyway with the court knowing im testifying and Olivia he's bound to not get away with it." "I thought you were angry that you couldn't work the case but your able to testify" "Well in a way I did kinda work the case if it wasn't for my dad willing to testify, and questioning him we may not have known about what Lewis did to his girlfriend all those years ago- where is he anyway?" "Who your dad?" I nodded "Oh well to be honest no one has seen him since yesterday, why when was he supposed to be here?" I sighed "Wel actually he was supposed to meet me here an hour ago but I tried calling him and I wasn't getting an answer which was odd because since we met we were talking to each other non stop by text and then this morning, nothing" I started to worry "You don't think he's bailed out do you?" Amanda asked but she could see I was starting to worry. "No he wouldn' didn't see him in there Amanda, he was so genuine so fatherly, so apologetic when he told me that he didn't rape my mother I couldn't believe it but think back I never did really get to see my grandparents and he did care about me because he told me he came to the house once when I was 6 I vaugily remember because there was a man in the hall way arguing with my mom and it was him cause I remember his face. I know that a lot of people do say this but I think if my mum gave him a chance he'd have a been a great father and could never have hurt me" I forced my tears back in my eyes, while Amanda comforted me.

Just then Carisi showed up with Olivia, Fin and Nick. Olivia walked over to me and I stood up and embraced in a hug. When we pulled away Barba approached us, we then knew it was time to go in. "Wait!" Olivia pulled me back, everyone stopped. "What is it Sweetie?" Amanda put a hand on her shoulder. "I-is he gonna be there?" "Yes but he wont be able to see you as your not testifying as it is a hearing, look you are strong he has no one you have people who care about you and I know it's not his fault but that's the way it is you will be Okay" She agreed and walked into the court room with us. I looked back before we went in checking my phone, then looking back again. Fin realized and went back to get me. "Baby girl you okay?" I sigh. "i guess my dad isn't coming after all. I bow my head. "Come on" Fin gestures as he puts his arm around me and we walk into the court room.

"Matthew Lewis one count rape in the first degree, one count of kidnap in the second degree" "Miss Tyler how does your client plead" "not guilty your honor" "How much is bail set at Mr Barba" "Your honor the people recommend that he not get bail, he is a flight risk has been charged for a vicious sexual assault, and for kidnap he lashed out at Sargent Benson when we first questioned him. "Which is why i'm going for a psych questioning" His lawyer said as she gave Jugde Donally a piece of paper. "A Psych defense seriously?, his actions do not prove that he was coerced or forced into any of the crimes he had committed-" "On the contrary his abandonment during childhood suggests these issues, his father-" "look we know who his father is but that is a separate case and has nothing to do withe fact that a teenage girl was raped and her son kidnapped" "Barba has a point Councillor, defendant is released to Rikers without bail post the trial in one week, next case!" She banged the gavel Barba turned to look at everyone, they all smiled. Me and Barba looked at each other. I had a feeling we were gonna win this case.

After the hearing Olivia's arm was in mine. "So Aunt Liv, before i testify i'll need to go over my testimony first with Barba so i can get my story straight?" Carisi then got a phone call. "Yes, and you have nothing to worry about we'll all be here for every moment" i reassured her "And believe me..." began Amanda "Once you start testifying you'll feel this weight being lifted off your shoulders you'll feel so free" She said as we began walking to the elevator. "So basically like taking finals then?" We all laughed "yeah a bit" i hugged her as we got into the elevator. Just then Carisi came running after us stopping the elevator doors. "Liv! Oh god!" "Carisi what is it?" "Liv, E-Elliot called he said that- oh god!" "Carisi! Is it El is he okay" I started to panic my heart was racing. "Liv, it's your dad!" My eyes beamed as tears formed in my eyes. "He's been arrested!" Fin, Amanda and Nick all looked at me. Olivia looked worried "Aunt Liv are you okay?" But i couldn't respond i felt like it was my mothers past but this time i was out of the womb and seeing my father being arrested. "F-Fin take Olivia h-home i'll m-meet you back at t-the precinct" i ordered him as me an Amanda left in the elevator leaving the boys to look after Olivia. 

We arrived at the precinct, officers and detectives were crowding around each others tables whispering, then when they saw me some gave empathetic looks while others were looks of disappointment i tried to ignore them but i can't help it my eyes are watering and i cant stop. Just then Tucker appears out of my office. "W-what the hell are you doing here?!" Tucker crossed his arms. "I'm here because i have arrested a man who claims to be your father, but he must be crazy" I gave him evil eyes. No one disrespects my family like that. "He! Ed is my father and he's not crazy, now if you don't mind me, i'd like to go and find my father please and speak to him" I barge past him, but he grabs my arm i look at him up and down in disgust. "I'm sorry but you can't do that" "Oh yeah?!" i released my arm from his grip. "Just watch me" I walk off to find him in the interrogation room, burst through the door. "Dad?" "Oh my god Olivia" I went over to him, he stood up to hug me, we did then pulled away. "Dad what the hell happened?! what did you do to get arrested!" I said as i sat down holding his hand. "Olivia they know, they know i was there when Matthews mom died" I was so confused and angry and ughhh i didn't know what was going on with me. "B-but how?!" Just then Tucker burst in. "Ask you Lawyer!" I turned round in my chair still holding my dad's hand. "What are you talking about?" Tucker rolled his eyes and sighed aggressively as he closed the door then put his hands in his pockets. "Two of my agents had been given an anonymous tip about your father, and what had happened the night Matthews mom died, saying we had to go to Barba for answers, and we did he told us that your father was a suspect but he wouldn't reveal anymore" I smiled. "So either you got played or you just can't get your job right....." I stood up to where my dad was and anyway you have no evidence just a worthless anonymous tip from someone who is probably after a reward and-" "The tip came from Rikers" I looked at my dad then at Tucker. "Son of a bitch!" dad put my hand in his palm while looking up at me. "Olivia, what is it?" "My Nephew, Your grandson tried to get you locked up, he's getting revenge on those who let him down" I walked out of the interrogation room and went over to the squad when the boys had just arrived. "Hey Liv you okay?" Fin asked. "yeah i'm better now that i know why my dad was arrested, but don't worry i'm gonna get him out of it" They guys looked at me confused and so did Amanda. "They found out about my dad being there when Matthews mom was killed but only after and the call came from Rikers" Once they had all clocked what i was talking about i began looking through the statement that my had given me. Then Elliot arrived with Ellie "Fin call Barba...." "What should i tell him?" "...Tell him, tell him that this bastard is going down for sure"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Good Right??!! I know!!! haha not long to go now but stay tuned to find out what happens next will he get convicted?? Who knows. And what was Liv so certain about? Why did she read the statement? Find out soon!! Love you all !! 

- Steffi xox 

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