The Truth Comes Alive

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               Making my way up towards the headmaster's office I looked around before saying the password. The griffon turned to reveal the staircase I knew all too well. It was later in the evening I expected Albus to be back already, he had mentioned early that he was running somewhere but he promised to be back in the evening. Quickly making my way up the stairs I came to his empty office. Taking a deep breath I carefully made my way back towards his chambers but it was empty.. There was something strange but I couldn't tell what it was, shaking my head I made my way back down the stairs. Just as I step off the last step none other than Argus Filch came running in my direction.

       "Professor, is the headmaster busy?"

     "He's not here Argus, why what do you need?"

      "There are students out of bed!" I looked towards him and raised an eyebrow.

           "How many students and where?"

        "All of them! Out by the clock tower!"

      "Let's go than!" I said as I took off Argus following beside me as we quickly made our way back out there. As we came to the court yard I slowed down and continued at a walk. As I glanced around I noticed that there weren't just students but teachers gathered around as well. I figured that students had gone and gotten them, I figured someone had gone to get me but since I was not there they came back. Looking around at the crowd once again I realized that four people were missing, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, & Harry Potter.

      Slowly the students cleared a path for me as I made my way towards the front. Stopping dead in my tracks that was when I saw it. Albus Dumbledore headmaster of Hogwarts laid there his eyes closed his body pale and lifeless. I let a silent sob escape through my lips but I quickly regained myself and held everything back. Just than the crowd parted once again and that was when I saw him. Harry Potter made his way towards the front, he didn't even glance towards anyone as he made his way over to Albus' lifeless body and knelt down, he had been a strong person up until now, I watched as he started to break down. Ginny Weasley made her way towards him as she kneeled beside him and pulled him to her. Just looking at this sight I was ready to break down but I had to keep it in, I just had too.

       After a while I carefully brought out my wand and looked up towards the sky, slowly I lifted my wand and pointed it up, it was a way to honor him. Honoring the greatest headmaster of all time. Soon Pomfrey joined me and then one by one students and teachers lifted theirs till everyone had theirs up. The dark mark that was in the sky soon vanished but only for a little while. We stood there for awhile before finally I nodded at the other teachers who escorted the students back towards bed. Harry, Ron and Hermione remained looking over towards me. I could tell the tears were threatening to fall but I kept it in as best as I could just waiting for them to speak.

      "Dumbledore left me a request.. I must destroy the horcruxes, he's destroyed a few but I must destroy the rest. Professor I'm telling you because you're the only one other than Hagrid I still trust." I nodded as I looked towards them.

         "You three be safe, if this is what Albus wanted you to do than go do it." I had always managed to keep things professional not using Albus' first name in front of students and everything but at the moment I didn't care.

       "Professor?" Hermione started but she never got the chance. Shaking my head I waved my hand.

              "You need to get going before Professor Snape gets back here."

         "How did you know it was Snape Professor?" I looked over towards Harry as he asked.

             "There were four of you missing Albus showed up dead, you came over and broke down, I knew Mr. Malfoy couldn't do it and well that leaves Professor Snape. Now hurry go." With that the three of the nodded and took off. Later that evening Albus was laid to rest outside my chamber window just where he had requested to be. Making my way back to my chambers I looked out the window for the longest time just watching wishing this was all just some sick dream.

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