Malfoy's Stick Together

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⠀⠀⠀⠀It was crowded. People were everywhere all dressed up with a mask covering their face. She had one as well. A simple white colored one only covering around her eyes. A simple white peacock feather was coming off the mask that went along with her white dress that fell past her ankles, the tighter material showed off her curves perfectly. She hadn't understood why her mother in law had insisted she wear white but she knew better than to question it, when her mother in law had her mind set on something their was no changing it. When she had first seen the outfit the night before she had bit her bottom lip to keep from saying the remark she wanted to so bad. When she saw the mask she really wanted to say it but instead she just smiled. It wasn't a bad outfit in fact it was beautiful she did love it but she was afraid that many would compare her to the peacocks that were in the back yard. Though her love for the family she had been welcomed into won over and she agreed to wear it.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Narcissa never had a loving and welcoming family like she had been welcomed into when she married the only son of the house of Malfoy. She was born into the house of Black where she was the youngest of three girls all whom were unloved by their parents. They had been raised to be proper and the perfect wife, though the way they had been treated had been awful. Narcissa had received one too many cruico curses by the time she had started Hogwarts. She hadn't told anyone of the treatment she received at home, at least until Lucius Malfoy came along. They had become quite close and Narcissa had trusted him enough to tell her secrets too. That was why when Andromeda Black had been disowned and her parents pushed Narcissa to marry the man Andromeda had been arranged to Lucius had stepped up.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Lucius, nor Narcissa had known what love was. In a purebloods world they weren't taught how to love only how to behave but the two of them had changed that. They had brought love into the others life. That was why when Narcissa had told him about what he parents had planned to do he stepped up and told his parents that he had found love. Both were afraid of whom this young women might be especially if she weren't a purebloods. When they heard Narcissa's name though their worry went away they knew of the black family they had actually been planning to arrange the marriage of their son to their youngest daughter but the parents had quickly declined saying she was taken. So the family had worked together until finally the had gotten Druella and Cygnus Black to agree arrange Narcissa 's marriage to Lucius. Since then Narcissa had confined in the family and told them of her past, since she got that out they had been more open and welcoming to her giving her the love she had never had. Though her husband was often convinced his parents loved her more than him she promised him that wasn't the case. 

⠀⠀⠀⠀As she refocused on the crowd in front of her she mentally groaned as yet another man came up to her. She was a married women yet none of them cared. Many were married and were just looking for someone to take home for the evening and than throw out in the morning. While most the men were already drunk she hadn't even touched one glass of wine. Looking towards the man beside her she declined both a drink and a dance, politely excusing herself she made her way over towards her mother in law. Before she had the chance to say anything she had caught movement by the door. Though there were many people moving around within the ballroom she had noticed these certain people for a reason, that reason being they hadn't been invited to this ball at least not that she could remember. Even with masks on she could make out the figures of Druella and Cygnus Black clear as day. She quickly moved through the crowd hoping that they wouldn't see her but they had. She cursed her heels for it being able to move fast enough especially in her condition. It wasn't until a hand on her arm stopped her and made her turn around. 

⠀⠀⠀⠀As she turned around she came face to face with the two people she had never wanted to see ever again, Druella and Cygnus Black. Before she had a chance to even say something to the two of them, they were dragging her by the arm and into the library of Malfoy Manor. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the daughter who forgot to invite her own parents to a ball just for her." Came Druella's cold voice as she stood before her daughter looking quite annoyed. Cygnus just smirked as he tilted his head slightly, "Weren't you even going to tell us about our dear grandchild, you know this would be our first one since Bellatrix hasn't produced one yet." The tone of the voice with the two of them was pure evil, they didn't care about their daughter they still thought they owned her but truth be told she wasn't afraid of them and they could see it by the way she was standing tall and proud in front of them. "Aren't you going to answer us you silly girl, or are you ignoring us just like you do all out letters?" Druella said as she eyed up her daughter, there was so much she wanted to do right now but knew she couldn't not yet. Narcissi not intimidated by her mother stood there meeting her gaze head on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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