Second Inpressions

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School grounds

1:48 P.M. (Five days later)

Aderyn Reed's POV

It wasn't that I was scared to walk into the room, I was terrified to see the man. After seeing the neatly printed words: Wright, Maxwell on my schedule for this year butterflies tangled themselves in the pit of my stomach. They Fluttered every time I saw him. I had seen him several times throughout the week leading up to this moment, however it was always a nervous smile and an embarrassing pink tint setting in to my warm cheeks. Deanne had even noticed my behavior and asked if I was alright. The answer was always 'fine' or 'just nervous for the new year' I knew if I shifted the blame onto something else Deanna would buy it. However, there was no selling my fears while I walked to my last class of the day: Linear Algebra.

"Welcome." Mr. Wright spoke obviously annoyed by the childishness in the class.

There were several 'hellos' and 'heys' but I remained silent, drifting to the back of the class to go unnoticed. I assumed the man standing before the class wasn't aware of my presence yet and I was grateful. I glanced around the room puzzled as to why my good friend Valery Simmons hadn't showed yet. Her and I were excited to have a class together seeing as it had been years since we shared the same teacher.

"Alright, I will start with roll call." Mr. Wright's voice interrupted my thoughts. "When I say your name move to the desk I point to." 'Damn' I had purposely chosen I seat in the back.

"No one will sit here." Mr. Wright Indicated to the two desks nearest his own. "Miss. Reed"

'Great he must be going by first name.' I smiled and slowly walked to the front of the class to where his fingers pointed.

"Mr. Davis, Mr. Lowe, Miss. McCormick, Mr Jackson start a new row. and finally Miss Simmons." The man dressed in dark jeans turned to the board and began writing his name.

"Sorry," Valery had just walked in looking disheveled "I had to run to make it. My class is on the other side of the school."

"No, not a problem. as long as you try and make it on time I won't count you tardy. Take a seat." Mr. Wright spoke "Now class looking around you should notice there is not very many of you. While most of your classmates took the more advanced math path that you chose to ignore. I must say this is a mistake I recommend you change your schedule as soon as possible. Otherwise, you'll be working for them." Mr wright turned towards the board again and wrote the days of the week. Anger flashed through me knowing I had no choice to join this class but I pushed it down and listened "Mondays and Wendays we will take notes. Tuesdays and Thursdays are our review and Fridays will be workdays."

"Why will we need workdays?" The redhead beside me questioned

"You will be given a project every four weeks. You will be required to work on them outside of class or after your finished in class."

Mr. wright seemed to be a very hands off teacher. Disconnected from his students.

"Now I'll pass out the project packets for the entire year today. Next week we will start our routine. loose these packets and you won't get another." The tall man passing out papers seemed almost bored. "If you notice on some of these projects your allowed to work with a partner. choose wisely." I'd always been the type of person to work alone. simply because I never made friends with the kids in my advanced courses.

"Pst," Valery grabbed my attention by tapping my shoulder. I turned around happy she sat behind me "Wanna be partners?"

I knew if we worked together I'd do all the work so it wasn't much different from working alone. I nodded confirming her invitation.

Mr. WrightWhere stories live. Discover now