Wedding Day Preparations

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*Courtney's POV*

I slam my head down on my desk. Ugh! Why are wedding preparations so hard?! Duncan's lucky I love him enough to go through all this work. I have paperwork for my job as an attorney and all kinds of even harder work for my wedding! You're doing this because you're madly in love with him, remember? The easiest thing about my upcoming marriage to Duncan, is that all one of us has to do is move all our stuff across the hall and sell one of our apartments. Mine is slightly bigger, so I he's going to move in with me and sell his apartment. Thank goodness for that! But, now I have to fill out the, bum bum bahhhh, wedding invitations. Duncan decided that it would be best if I typed them all up and formatted them properly. Lucky me.

Let's see:

                   Together with their families
                   Duncan Robert Nelson
              Courtney Elizabeth Barlow
          request the pleasure of your company
                           to their wedding at
         eight-thirty A.M. on March twenty-first
                     -Oakwood Central Park-
                          -Toronto, Canada-
                           reception to follow

     Seems good enough to me.  I'll make the font all swirly and green and then print them out.  Seems easy enough, right?  Wrong!  Once printed out, they'll need to be mailed out to everyone, and Duncan and I still have to come up with the guest list!  We don't really want that big of a wedding, so we're not inviting any extended family and also, we're only inviting close friends.  Hmm...  Well, obviously my parents, if they choose to come, and Duncan's parents.  Let's not forget Duncan's two older brothers, Derek and Damien.  Oh, plus their families.  Both are married and I think one of them is expecting...?  I don't know, Duncan just doesn't like to talk about his brothers, but I think the oldest, Derek, has two little boys.  I believe Damien and his wife are the ones expecting...  Duncan has a much bigger family than I do.  I mean like I'm an only child, so that makes it easier I guess.  We'll invite what's left of some of our grandparents and I have an aunt I'm real close to.  I bet Duncan'll want to invite Mitch and he'll probably bring his girlfriend.  I'll want to invite Bridgette and Heather because they're my only actual friends.  Bridgette's married to Geoff and so he'll come, even though I think Duncan was planning on inviting him anyways along with Alejandro.  I'm pretty sure Alejandro and Heather are engaged also, wait, no.  Alejandro is planning on proposing to Heather sometime soon...  She'll be so excited omigosh!  Heather's been talking to me about how she wishes Alejandro would "just propose already" because they've been together for practically ever.  The reason Alejandro has been taking so long to propose is because he had to save up money for a few years for HER WEDDING RING!!!  He showed Duncan and I a picture of it and holy shit!  It's the prettiest damn ring I have ever seen!  Well almost the prettiest, I love my ring and it's not as expensive or as filled of diamonds as the one Alejandro plans on giving to Heather.  He finally bought it last week.  It's a silver band with five, that's right, five diamonds in it.  Two regular smaller diamonds, two pink smaller diamonds, and in the middle, a huge red diamond.  Alejandro's exact words were, "I wanted only the best ring for Heather, for that's what she deserves.  The prettiest, most expensive, and perfect rings for mi amor..."  I'm so happy for them.  But, I'm also happy for myself.  I deserve to be!  I went through hell and back to get where I am today!  Now, if only to finish all this work in time for my big day!

     "Courtney, are you freaking yourself out again over the wedding?" asks my fiancé as he enters the room I'm in. 

     "What makes you say that?" I reply, raising my head up to look at him. 

     "Well, I keep hearing you mumbling and banging your head against the desk..." Duncan answers, wrapping me in his arms.  "I don't want you to work yourself up with all this..."

     "Wedding planning is hard, ya know!" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air and dragging them down my face.  Duncan then lifts me out of the desk chair and carries me to another room. 

     "Courtney..." he says.  "Why don't you get some rest?  I can write down some names for the guest list, if you want..."

     "Thanks, baby," I say as he kisses me and lays me down on my bed.  He pulls the covers up over me and I hug one of my many pillows and smile. 

     "Not a problem, Princess." Duncan replies, smiling back, before leaving the room as I slowly drift off into a much needed sleep...

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