Guy Time

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*Duncan's POV*

     "When are you going to ask her?" I ask Alejandro while we're sitting on my couch, playing on my old Atari system.

"Ask who what?" says Alejandro, taking a swig of the beer I handed him.

"Um ya know Heather..." I reply, raising my eyebrows skeptically. Alejandro just about chokes on his drink and I pat him on the back.  "Damn what's your deal, huh?  Is the infamous Alejandro Burromuerto...scared?" I ask tauntingly since Al's clearly not got his usual composure. 

     "Shut up, Duncan.  Proposing isn't that easy..." snaps Alejandro. 

     "I know, trust me-"

     "No you don't.  I've been with Heather this entire time and still haven't done anything with it.  I'm lucky she's still faithful to me!  It has to be perfect so she'll say yes, bromigo!" exclaims Alejandro. I've never seen this part of Alejandro. Sure, he's been a good friend of mine for ages, but he's just always seemed so perfect. Maybe only Heather could see him underneath the perfect Spanish adversary mask, not that it's entirely a mask. Maybe more so of a coverup to hide the deep stuff. If so, I know exactly how he feels.

"Does it have to perfect? I know it's Heather, but she's put up with you for this long. Honestly I think she'll just be relieved once you finally ask," I say with a chuckle to lighten up the mood a bit.


Just then the doorbell to my apartment rings. It must be Geoff and DJ.

"Who could that be?" asks Alejandro pausing the game. Okay, so maybe I didn't tell Al that the other guys were showing up. Can you really blame me? He doesn't exactly have that could of a reputation with people especially towards Geoff and DJ. I leave his question to hang in the air as I get up to answer the door. I open it to Geoff, DJ, and...some other dude I've never met before. Although he does look vaguely familiar...

"Hey man! Hope you don't mind I brought my boy, Brody, along to par-tay!" exclaims Geoff, bursting into my place right as I open the door.

"Come on in then," I joke. Clearly Geoff is no vampire...

"Hey Duncan. What's up?" greets DJ as he steps in through the doorway.

"Oh you know just getting prepared for marriage and hosting a guys' night..." I answer with a fake sigh. 

     "True," DJ chuckles.  "Thanks for including me, man."

     "Of course.  Wouldn't want to leave out any of my TDI pals." DJ and I walk into my living room where Alejandro, Geoff, and Brody should be. The mood changes as we see the three of them all just standing around. Alejandro looks confused. Geoff looks angry. And Brody or whatever, well he just looks lost.

"What is he doing here?" Both Geoff and Alejandro exclaim directly at me.

"Woah. Chill. Both of you are friends of mine, so I invited you both to hang out," I explain, putting my hands up in defense. Who knew after all these years the two of them would still have such hostility? Well I guess Bridgette did kiss Alejandro, but that's all water under the bridge now, right? I mean Geoff and Bridgette are married, Alejandro has Heather, and that was all just game strategy. DJ looks a little uncomfortable too. Maybe because Alejandro was the reason for his elimination during World Tour, and hey he was the reason for mine too, but does it look like I care?

"But, the Killer Bass man!" protests Geoff.

"Yeah and you brought along Brody," I retort with a smirk.

"Fair enough." says Geoff. Then he turns to Alejandro and extends his right hand. "Truce?"

"Truce." Alejandro states, taking Geoff's offered hand and shaking it. Well that wasn't too hard now was it? Typical.

"So Duncan my man! What's to eat?" Geoff asks, ready to move on and party as always.

"There's a pizza delivery guy on his way, but for now there's guacamole and chips. Oh, and beers," I answer. Alejandro leaves the room and comes back with the giant bowls of chips and guac before scooping a huge clump of guac on a chip and eating it. I distribute the beers and we hook up my gaming system for some multiplayer battles.

     After about two rounds, the pizza guy hands me the five larges and I tip him.  The smell of hot fresh dough and cheese fills the air.  Mmm just the smell of pizza makes me feel relaxed to be honest.  The scent travels through my apartment and I hear Geoff scream, "PIZZA!"  The four of them run into the kitchen where I lay the boxes down.  Five boxes five of us.  How ironic wow I didn't even plan that.  Oh well.

     "We all get our own pizza!" I exclaim, laughing hysterically.  Alejandro shoots me a raised eyebrow which makes me laugh even harder.  How did I seriously not know the basic math when I ordered the pizzas? 

     "What's so funny, bromigo?" Alejandro questions as the rest of the guys are already back in the other room with their pizzas. 

     "It's just that I didn't plan on everyone getting their own pizza." I can barely say it all between my laughter.  I'm laughing so hard, tears are running down my face!  "What irony!"

     "Canadians..." I hear Alejandro mutter under his breath as he shakes his head, grabs his very own pizza box, and smirks. 

     In between shoving slices of pizza into our mouths and my laughing, we finish the final round of the game.  The scoreboard pops up onto the TV screen and surprise surprise Alejandro is in first place. 

"Awh damn it, Alejandro!" exclaims Geoff, throwing his controller across the room.

"Hey! Careful!" I warn. Those controllers can be expensive.

"Right sorry man," apologizes Geoff sheepishly.

"Woah, chill dude," says Brody. He then gives Geoff a pat on the back as he angrily sulks.

     "Victory is mine!" Alejandro shouts, pumping a fist in the air.

     "You got lucky this time," I retort, still slightly giddy from my laughing fit.  I know I know.  Duncan...giddy?!?  Don't ask me.  "I didn't have my A-game mindset with me."

     "Excuses excuses.  Oh Duncan I thought you were better than excuses," Alejandro replies, his ever present smirk on his face.

     "You thought wrong bromigo," I answer, using his made up word. Alejandro rolls his eyes and we start up another game, mainly so Geoff can redeem himself.  He kind of does out of his rage determination, but ultimately he and Alejandro end up tying.  After that game, we just sit back and devour what's left of the pizza.  Brody and Geoff shared stories from The Ridonculous Race and we all just had fun joking around and talking.  We talked about the women in our lives and Geoff, DJ, Brody, and I gave Alejandro a hard time about how long it's taking him to propose to Heather.  Alejandro gets a little defensive, but laughs along with us regardless.  We can all see how red his face is anyways.  The guy's got it real bad for Heather which I think Geoff notices since he seems more comfortable and to become actually befriend Alejandro.  That's definitely a relief to me.  Don't want my two best guy friends to completely hate each other, ya know?  DJ still doesn't have a girlfriend and claims that he's invested in his cooking not a relationship.  Brody has apparently been snap chatting another contestant from the show, some chick named Kitty. As they continue talking, I take a swig of beer and think, Man, today was a good day...

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