Chapter 1 - The background

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I was sat on my bed crying to myself trying not to make any noise, oops, he heard me. "ABBIE SHUT THE HELL UP AND COME DOWN HERE NOW!" It was Tom my 'boyfriend' I wish I could rid myself of him but I can't, he always finds me again and he always finds a way for me to fall for him. I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself. I run down the stairs wiping the tears from my eyes. To late. He saw my blood shot eyes and rosy nose, he knew. I tried to turn around but he grabbed my wrist and spun me back around to face him "WHY HAVE YOU BEEN CRYING, YOU LITTLE BABY!" He started laughing hysterically.
"HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT YOU PHYCO!" I shouted but I instantly knew that was a mistake I was going to pay for, he lifted me up and threw me against the wall my head hitting the shelf. I'm used to this, but something was different today. He seemed to feel stronger than usual and a lot more powerful than I had ever seen. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THE PHYSCHO. ME! ME! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK BACK TO ME! YOU KNOW WHAT I CA-" I cut him of. "YOU DON'T OWN ME! YOU CAN'T HURT ME I CAN TURN AROUND AND LEAVE!" This was probably the worst sentence that could come out of my mouth, at this time, I don't know what exactly came over me as I said this but I felt power, something I had never felt before. But I'm never as strong as him. He walked closer and looked into my eyes, pulling me towards him. My head aching as his lips hover mine. I couldn't stand him he made me sick, but I couldn't do anything to get rid of him he's to powerful. His lips connected to mine. I tried to push him off. He only came on harder. I don't know what was going through my mind today but I was being really stupid. I kneed him where the sun don't shine. He fell back a bit and I started to run but he tripped me over. "WHY YOU LITTLE. HOW DARE YOU IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" He stood me up and started to repeatedly hit me. I was screaming and tears were rapidly falling down my face. He did one big almighty punch and it knocked me to the ground "DON'T YOU DARE ANSWER BACK YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!" He shouted as he started to kick me. I was lay on the floor and the pain was leaving, but I wasn't going to give up. He spat at me and left. Leaving me for dead on the floor of our cold, dark room. I could barely move. My hand reached my pocket, I pulled my phone out. I unlocked and called my brother, Caspar, he was my only hope. "Hi, how ar-" I cut him off "Caspar" I croaked "help I don't know how much time I have left, he might come back. I'm at my house. Help fast. He's comi-" He grabbed my phone. He was angry, more angry than I'd ever seen. "HOW DARE YOU PHONE YOUR BROTHER, WHAT DID YOU SAY!! YOU KNOW WHAT IT DOESN'T MATTER YOUR THE CUM OF THE EARTH, YOU THINK HES GOING TO HELP YOU, YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO HIM!" His words cut like knives. I knew he was the better sibling, yeah he was an Internet sensation but I have something going for me, don't I? Tom came down close to me. He hovered over me and started kissing me I could stop him. I was lifeless, he started taking his top off. He quickly got to pulling off my top. Tears were streaming down my face, but I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything, but cry. My top was off. He started to unbutton his pants but there were massive bangs on the door. It must be Caspar. Tom carried on with what he was doing not caring my brother was right there on the other side of the door...


A/N- so I know this is very slow but I thought it was alright?! Excuse any spelling mistakes. I'm not the best at English. This may never be publish I don't know, I guess time will tell!?

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