Chapter //Number//

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As you can tell, I've given up on chapter numbers. Meh. Also, bringing a bit of outside lore into this. AY


"Agent Zed, can you see the body?"

"Shed! Who would I look at a dead body?"

"The bureau said if we solve the case, we get promotions, right?"

"Yes, but-"

"Listen, just...take a report or something."

I nodded obediently, pulling a red notepad to match me and my partner's hair from my suit pocket, bureau standard. I grabbed a pencil, also red, from behind my ear, and started to write. My counterpart stood in front of me, to read what I was jotting down, and shook her head, as if my writing was messy, or something. 

"You can't write something like that!"

"Yeah, well-"

She shushed me, waving her hand at me and placing the other disgracefully on her face. Which, might I add, looked disgraceful, but then again, me and Shed never had the best of friendships. 

"Just, UGH. Write my words, ok?"

"Fine, sheesh"

"Case study on the death of a young boy, around 20, yet to be identified as to whom they are, found by trekkers up the Washington peaks...."

I had zoned out halfway through her sentence, staring at a figure, shadowed over by the sunlight behind his body, staring down at us. We were stood on an outcropping, overhanging the trees underneath. It was a nice day to be out, clouds slowly making their way from us, so I imagined they were just out trekking, and happened to come across us. Curiosity gets the best of all of us sometimes, so I didn't stop him from scanning us up and down. 


I blinked, panicked. Shed had stopped her rambling and was now placing an angry finger on my page. Cocking my head to one side, I didn't get why she was mad. I was writing down what she was saying. I looked to realize my pen had slipped, creating a line down the page. 

"You need to FO-CUS!" She spat, shaking me.

"I CAN'T when people are staring at me while I WORK" I retorted, swiftly pointing a finger at the shadow still standing there. He gave a little wave, which was nice of him.


Shed groaned, grabbing my notepad from me, and flipping to a new page, thankfully not noticing my drawings of her rather distorted. 

Don't look at me like that.

You'd do the same if you worked with Shed.

"Sir! Do you know anything about-"



Shed muttered under her breath, turning to me and shaking her head, before turning back and cupping her hands over her mouth.


I panicked, shushing her.

The guy above us lowered his shoulders.

"H-he's not dead, right? You can survive a fall like that" The poor kid seemed distraught. They were probably friends.

Well, this isn't my problem, is it?

Shed's POV


I retained my professional stance, and stepped forward so he could hear me better.

"Well, not onto hard rocks, sweetie."

I never call anyone sweetie, but this is my way of making the situation better. Even Shed looked concerned. I didn't really want to continue this conversation, because I hate talking.

When I want though, I can be a motormouth. 

No wonder the bureau never feeds us. 

I could hear the poor kid whimpering, which made me feel worse. I should probably keep my mouth shut. I tried to salvage the situation, which in my defense, was the only thing I could say at the time, because my focus was more on the body in front of me, which was a rather similar looking ginger, but I couldn't put my finger on who I was thinking of.

"Did you know him?"

"M-my boyfriend..."


I'm pretty sure I'm the worst person on earth. I nudged Zed, and he nodded at me, for it was rather obvious what I was hinting at. Zed started heading back down a slope we climbed up, which flattened out at random intervals, to allude for easy descent. 

I think it's best the bureau doesn't find out about this.

It's late, and I'm pretty tired.


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