3. Symptoms

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"Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don't let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down."


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Other than the fact that I had to do a few promotional deals, I have been glued to my bed binge-watching my favorite show of all time, The Fosters.

"Oh Callie, what are we going to do with you?" I questioned my favorite character as if she would respond while stuffing my mouth with a handful of popcorn.

I sat up and pushed myself against the headboard, and a wave of sickness washed over my body.

I grabbed the water bottle that sat on my nightstand, hoping that it would help me feel better. After about fifteen minutes when the feeling didn't go away I began to rub my stomach, hoping to ease the discomfort.

However, the feeling still wasn't going away. Maybe, I need to ease off of the junk food.

"Oh shit!" I screamed as I launched off of the bed rushing into the bathroom, throwing up everything that I had in my body.

I cringed at the burning feeling in my throat, which caused my eyes to become watery.

I honestly, really wish Harry was here. I started to bawl my eyes out, being sick and alone is one of the worst feelings ever.

After a while, I finally decided to get off the floor and clean myself up. My phone began to ring as I finished brushing my teeth. I wiped my face and walked into the room, grabbing my phone

"Hello, " I said into the phone as I sat down on the edge of the bed. I didn't even try to hide the fact that something was wrong there was no point.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I could hear in his voice that he was frowning.

"Well, other than the fact that I just threw up everything that I have eaten including one of my organs, I'm absolutely fine, " I told him, as I sat down on the edge of the bed, looking down at my feet swinging them back and forth.

Now is not the time to be sarcastic, Louis.

" Do you think you have a stomach bug?" I shrugged my shoulders forgetting that he wasn't able to see me.

"Maybe, or it could be the fact that I haven't eaten any actual food since you left," I mumbled at the end. I was kinda hoping he didn't hear the last part.

I heard him take a deep breath, he clearly was tired of me. He's probably going to find some cute guy while in Florida.

"I'm gonna have Gemma come and stay with you. I know how you hate being alone when sick. " I rolled my eyes letting out a dramatic sigh. I don't want Gemma I want him.

"Don't roll your eyes, and don't say you didn't. I know you like the back of my hand." I laughed and laid down onto the bed with a smile on my face.

"I hope she has a spare key to get in, I'm too lazy to go downstairs. Oh, and tell her to bring some food." Harry chuckled, causing me to smile.  I really miss him, I just want him to come home already.

"Oh Lou, what am I going to do with you," I giggled, "she does have the spare, and I'll make sure to inform her to get food."

We stayed on the phone for a few more hours talking about the future. However, we had to end our conversation for now. Harry had a meeting to go to early in the morning so he needed his rest.

"Good night, I love you," I told him not really wanting to hang up the phone, but I knew I had to.

"I love you too baby, goodnight. I'll be home soon." I smiled and he hung up the phone.

About 25 minutes later, I hear the front door open.

"Louis, where are you?" I hear Gemma yell, from the kitchen I assume.

"Upstairs, in my bedroom!" I yell back down, I could hear the stairs slightly squeaking under her feet.

"Hey, I got us some Taco Bell." She said as she pushed open the door. I'm not much of a fan of Taco Bell, but this will do.

"So, what have you been doing lately?" Gemma asked, before biting into her taco. Some of the Grease dripping onto the wrapper of her taco.

"Other than puking out my organs, I've been binge-watching The Fosters. " Gemma paused her movements, she had some lettuce hanging out of her mouth. I laughed and raised a brow in confusion.

"What if you're pregnant," she whispered. There was no way that I was pregnant. Harry has been very careful these last few months.

"I doubt it. We are extremely careful," I wanted to sound confident when I said that but I was the complete opposite. There have been so many times where we have been drunk and didn't even care to think to be careful.

"Do you happen to have any test?" She said as she placed her half-eaten taco back into the wrapper.

"Yeah, should I take one?" She nods her head eagerly. I pushed the tacos to the side, and I walked into the bathroom looking under the sink for the emergency pregnancy test.

I ended up taking three of them and waited until it was time to check them. I was beyond scared to see the results. Waiting for the results made me absolutely nervous, I could feel my palms getting sweaty and my heart started to beat extremely fast. If this is positive what would Harry say? Would he be mad? Would he break up with me? Would he even want our baby?

After about five minutes, I took a deep breath and checked them.

"Gemma I'm pregnant!" I yelled as a tear fell down my face.

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