Chapter Three: Just Know You're Not Alone

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wow, sorry I haven't updated in like a month.. my only excuse is I got another horse. But here you go, be happy even if it is short:

CH 3

I sat around the table with Tris' family, and although I've never experienced anything this nice, I seemed to know exactly what to do and how to respond. I have decent manners, so that wasn't a problem, but I thought I would have a harder time socializing than I did. Tris' family, the Priors, are the nicest people I have ever met. When I first arrived at their house Tris had told them that I would be staying with them for the time being, and they didn't question it. They treated me like I was family; someone they loved and cherished. It was the best thing I've ever experienced.

Everything about this family is simply amazing. Their house is amazing: it's nice and clean, big enough to sustain and small enough to be cozy. Their cooking- which I suspect is Mrs. Prior's- is outstanding. I didn't know it was possible for something to taste so so good. And their accents. They where adorable and southern, but not as noticeable as you would think. Mrs. Prior's is the most noticeable, it's sweet and inviting, and blends perfectly with the southern drawl of her husband. Caleb, Tris' older brother, has an accent that's hardly noticeable but more so than Tris'. I wouldn't have realized she even had an accent but when compared to her family you can tell it's there.

Just listening to their voices, simply talking, no loud angry voices, no breaking glass or the shrill screams of women waking up to a pounding headache and my fathers arm around their waist. To have something this pleasant and normal is something I don't experience. And I love it. And as I walk into the guest room the Tris walked me to I can't ever imagine going back to my father.

I sigh as I gradually sink into the comfortable day bed, and am close to sleep when I hear the door creak open slightly. I look up and see Tris standing in the doorway.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you-" She says, but I don't let her finish.

"No, it's fine. You didn't. I just am tired, was resting my eyes."

"Oh." She says simply, and for a few moments she stands there, and I stare at her, and look into her eyes that are looking straight into mine. Her eyes are clarity; they are the sky and the ocean, mysterious, lovely, inviting, but somehow offering up a challenge, to any one and anything.

She finally breaks her gaze and looks down to her feet. "I was wondering if you needed anything." She says. "I know our house here isn't much-"

I interrupt her again. "You don't realize how much you have." I say and instantly regret the sharp tone in my voice, and can see it in Tris' eyes that it upset her a little.

"I'm sorry-" This time she interrupts me. "No,no, don't be. It's just usually people have bigger houses, more things. I love my house, but some people don't think that way." I see a cloud go over her eyes, turning them more grey than blue. I just nod in response but I don't even think she noticed.

"What is it?" I ask her. She looks up and sighs. "You know, I have a back story. And I can see you have one too." It's my turn for my eyes to cloud over, and I nod to her. I look up at the door and see that she's not there anymore, then I hear I squeak of bed springs and notice her sitting to my left. I didn't even realize she came over.

"So, I've taken you into my house, the least you could do would be to tell me how you wound up here." I see her reasoning but that doesn't make me want to fess up anymore than I would have on my own terms.

"Maybe I'll tell you some day, but that day isn't today." I look down at my hands and feel her shift weight on the bed.

"That's alright, I know how it feels to have baggage. But I just know you're not alone." I feel her hand on my knee. "Good night, I'll see you in the morning." I look up at her and smile as she closes the door.

Her words echo in my mind, sending me into the most peaceful state I've been in for a long time.

Just know you're not alone.

So I hoped you like it, this was pretty fun to write even if it is really short. Just so you know I'm not going to make them fall into a deep void of inseparable love right now. That doesn't happen in less than a day. But don't worry it will soon :P

I considered ending it like this actually,

"I already missed the warmth of her small hands on me. "

but I didn't so you'll have to deal with it.

Please review, it really helps more than you think, until the update, annades49800

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