The Meeting

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As the elevator pulled to third floor, I quickly brushed my hair out of my eyes. Wait? Hair? I pulled out my phone to look at my reflection on my screen.

Fuck, I thought I had gotten that strand!

I try to brush it behind my ear, but it's not long enough. How pleasant.

Maybe I can fix it before I have to see my new boss.

I turn my phone on to see the time.

7:58! I barely have enough time to get to this meeting let alone fix my hair!

I licked my thumb and stuck the strand to the top of my head, making sure it looked natural in my reflection.

Once I looked perfect (or as perfect as you can get in 2 seconds) I ran as fast as my heels would allow to the room I was told to see.

"Hotchner, Hotchner..." I muttered as I looked at the different doorways, my eyes resting on the one at the end with HOTCHNER embezzled onto a plaque name plate on the door.

Wait, am I ready for this? I ask myself.

I brushed off my clothes once. Psh of course I'm ready, I'm always ready!

I opened the door and barged in with my head held high; as if any meeting would make me nervous! Turning, I saw my new boss staring at me with one eyebrow raised in a questioning expression.

Only then did I realize that my shoulders where practically to my ears and my face was scrunched up in an effort to brace myself for this meeting. I blushed and fixed my posture.

Yeah. I definitely wasn't ready.

Still beet red, I sat down in the chair across from him, staring at an identical plaque on his desk saying HOTCHNER to avoid his gaze.

"Hello, Agent Jessica Avila-" he began.

"Most people just call me Avi." I blurted out for some reason.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

After a long pause he began again. "Okay, Avi, I know that you have already had an interview with my superior but this is more or less a follow up, so just answer the questions, okay?"

"Okay." I glanced up and for the first time I actually saw his face. It was hard. And scary. Yeah, hard and scary. I feel my breath catch in my throat and cough.

"Do you need some water?" He asked, his cold eyes piercing into my soul.

I try to say no, but my breath catches again, and I end up in a coughing fit.

He gets me a glass of water anyway, and as soon as I take a sip, I finally stop coughing.

Well this is just going great!

"So why did you choose to come to the BAU?" Hotchner asks.

"I've always been interested in tells that people have and how the smallest action can paint a much bigger picture." I responded.

Yes! All those times I repeated this in a mirror to myself finally paid off!

"Snappy answer. Almost as if you got it from a textbook." He mused.

I smiled. Yeah, I know I'm good! I mentally flipped my hair.

"So how many times did you recite it in your bathroom?" He asked, a calculated gaze showing.

"W-wha?" Were the only things I could mumble.

I should've seen this coming! He leads a team of profilers! How could I be this stupid! Stupid, stupid, stup--

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