The Team Family

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As I got on the plane, everyone looked up from whatever they had in front of them. I, however, did not notice this because this plane was so first class! It was so roomy and everyone had their own table!

"Everyone, welcome Agent Jessica Avila, or Avi as she prefers." Hotch introduced me.

Was that a bit of sarcasm in his voice? Was he mocking my nickname? I looked at him to see his emotionless stare trained on me, looking for a reaction. I almost stuck my tongue out at him, but everyone was looking at me, so I just smiled.

"Yep! That's me! Nice to meet you all." I shook hands with Morgan and JJ, then turned to a scrawny young man with shaggy hair on my left.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Spencer Reid." He said, "Welcome to the team."

"Doctor? What are you? Mid twenties?" I questioned. This kid was too young to be a doctor.

"Yeah, I just am what you would call a genius." He replied.

Usually when someone proclaimed themselves a genius, I would see it as a cocky, obnoxious attitude, but for some reason this seemed almost a humble statement for him.

"Actually, he's our life like robot." Morgan joked behind me, scoring chuckles around the plane.

I walked on and shook hands with an older man with a beard. "I'm Agent Rossi, nice to meet you." He smiled, "Don't worry, you'll fit in just fine here."

I reached the end of the plane and saw that only Hatchet or whatever was left. His gaze again pierced through me and I felt paralyzed.

What was this guy's deal? I haven't done anything to him!

I avoided a hand shake and instead sat down on the opposite side of the plane. JJ looked up at me with a questioning look on her face, but I shook my head to dismiss her. This whole understanding the motive behind every action I make is going to get on my nerves.

"So what's the case?" Rossi asked, breaking the tension.

"There's been a series of homicides in Austin, Texas, all involving families with children between the ages of 13 and 14." Hatchet responded.

"Do the kids have any relation? Reid asked, his brows furrowed in genius thoughts.

"They all went to the same middle school but they have nothing in common; some are athletes, some are good students, and some are everything else." He replied.

"What about the parents?" I asked, "Do they have anything in common?"

"No." He replied so suddenly and hatefully that everyone looked in surprise.

I felt blood rise to my cheeks. What did I do?

"Uh, so that must mean that the targets were the children, not the parents." Rossi said, pulling the attention away from me.

I made a silent note to thank
Rossi in the future.

"Who would have a problem with these kids? None of them got in any notable trouble and they're in middle school for God's sake, how many enemies can you make in 13 or 14 years?" JJ asked

"There's a lot of messed up people out there, JJ." Said Morgan.

"But what if the unsub is a kid?" I asked.

"That's highly unlikely. Statistics are that one in every five of the 1,500 child homicides that happen per year are committed by other kids." Reid responded.

"Still don't rule anything out, Reid, we have no idea what we're facing." Derek replied.

"So when we get there, I want Derek and JJ to set up in the station, Rossi, you and Reid go to the school and get anything you can that might connect these kids. Avi, you're with me." That Hatchet Guy said.

I looked up in surprise and saw that everyone else was surprised too.

"Uh, Okay." I said, really, really confused.

For the rest of the ride, only Reid and Morgan talked, and everyone else was silent. I liked this. Not having to talk to anyone. Don't get me wrong, if you put me around the right group of people, I'll talk someone's ear off, but this is new. I am new. I just need a moment to relax.

My mind spun back to when I worked as a detective.

"Good work, Avi!" My former boss said, patting my back.

"Thank you, sir, I'm glad I caught him; I thought we had lost him at the cement factory." I replied, still beaming over my last capture.

"If you keep up this work, you'll be promoted again!" He commented.

"Oh please, I like it here, right where I am." I responded.

I turned away, covering my face. I was blushing. Damn it! Why did I like my boss? This isn't fair! Ugh!

I turned back around to see him closer than he was before, smiling at me.

"Trust me, I like it right where you are too. I guess you'll just have to hand in bad work to stay here." He responded, not knowing how much his words meant to me.

I took a step back to keep myself in control. He was sooooo close.

"Thank you, sir, I'll try to see what I can do." I smiled again and turned my back on him. It was late and I needed to get back to my house before I did anything that could jeopardize my future. I bid farewell to everyone else in the office and took the stairs down to the parking garage.

I found my big, silver Titan truck and clicked the keys to unlock it. I was almost inside my car when I heard shots ring out from the building.


I shook my head. I'm not there.

I didn't realize how hard I was breathing until right now, and quickly slowed it down. I was sitting on the end of the plane, facing away from everyone. I peeked around the edge of my seat to see if anyone had saw me.

Him. Hatchet man. Whatever. He saw me. Has he been eyeing me this entire flight? Creepy.

I gave him a small smile and a wave, which he didn't return. What a jerk.

JJ came and sat down next to me. "Wow, what happened between you and him?" She whispered.

"I don't know!" I scream whispered. "Is he always this way?"

"He's always been a hard ass, but never like this. I don't know what's gotten under his skin, but it obviously has something to do with you." She responded.

"Well that really puts me to ease JJ." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.

"Hey don't worry, when we get off the flight, I'll ask him if I can go with you instead, and he can stay at the station." She smiled.

"Thank you JJ! Ugh, I hope he comes around soon." I said.

"He will, don't worry." She got up to go back to her seat. I watched her sit down as I remembered that I have absolutely no idea what my bosses name is.

"JJ! JJ!" I tried to scream whisper to get her attention, but all I got was weird looks from Morgan, Reid, and Rossi.

Blast it!

I turned back around and decided to snooze for the remainder of the flight. Hopefully JJ can work out something with Hatchet Man so I can ask her his name.

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