Never Working With Him Again

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As we walked into the station, I had to contain myself from sprinting so I wouldn't be alone with Hotch anymore. This man is just so...weird.

JJ and Derek saw us and walked to meet us halfway near the entrance of the police station.

"Find anything?" Derek asked.

"Not much, the kill was definitely directed to the child; she has gashes on her eyes and mouth, but the whole family had ropes with nails tied around their hands." Hotch replied.

"Actually, I found this." You said handing out the diary.

"You never told me you found something." Hotch said, tension pulsating from him.

Why does this always happen?

I almost rolled my eyes as I said, "Well I didn't exactly hide it."

"You shouldve told me before taking part of the crime scene."

"It didn't come up in conversation." I glared back at him.

A few moments passed where Hotch and I were having a stare off; both of us were too angry to notice our surroundings, and too angry to notice we were being profiled.

"What's in the diary, Avi?" JJ asked to bring back attention.

"Oh!" I said, remembering the diary. "I read of few entries and they all talked about a girl but never mentioned her by name. The entire diary is full of depressing entries."

I handed the diary to JJ and she leafed through it.

"Oh my God." She exclaimed.


"This is really sad."

"I know but it might help our case a great deal, did you guys find anything?" I asked JJ and Morgan.

"All the kids used to be close when they were young, but nothing else." Morgan responded.

"Do you think that could've been why the unsub killed them?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Morgan asked

"I don't think it's a coincidence that they were all close as kids. In fact, that just about the only connection we have besides they all went to the same school. The unsub had to know that they were close as kids." I responded.

"You're right, this can't be a coincidence." He replied.

"Avi, where did you find the diary?" JJ asked.

"In the girl's room."

"Was there anything in the basement? That's usually where the family history is held." She asked.

Oh shit.

"Come on Hotch, you've evaluated plenty of crime scenes, tell me you went to the basement." Morgan said.

"I did not. It was my mist-"

"It was my fault!"

Oh my God, who said that?

"It was my fault," I continued.

Oh my God! I said that!! Why?

"I said I would go to the basement and I forgot once I found the diary. It was my fault."

I was lying through my teeth in a room with 3 profilers not including me.


Hotch kept a poker face as JJ and Morgan looked us up and down.

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