getting closer

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yugyeom's pov
as we all gathered together and decided to go to the arcade, everyone but bambam and I decided to have a piggy back race. as they went ahead, each one started running faster leaving bambam and i behind.

"so.. tell me about yourself" bambam asked, while shoving his hands in his pockets

"um... well i'm 19, i'm dating jinyoung hyung, i like yogurt, i work at a hair salon with namjoon and jin hyung and i'm pretty boring. what about you?" i shrugged, causing him to let out a soft chuckle

"i'm 19 too, i got into an accident- which i don't remember how or why, i plan on leaving in two weeks but mark and jackson hyung say no... so we made a deal that if he could convince me to stay, then i'd stay and i dab every morning when i wake up"

"you seem like a dabber' i started giggling, as he scoffed

"i'm a dab king, my dude" he winked before dabbing, causing us both to laugh.

as we finally caught up to the rest of our friends, we see that jin hyung has joined and is on namjoon's back, along with jungkook who's carrying hoseok hyung and laughing.

"hi seokjin hyung, hi jungkook" i wave as they both smiled back, followed by bambam doing the same

"where's taehyung" bambam asked jungkook with a smirk causing jungkook's face to turn a little pink.

but i swear at that moment, hoseok hyung looked at kookie with a little sad face, what? i'll ask later.

"kookie, lets go on the swings" hoseok grinned as jungkook quickly nodded.

"bammie, do you- i mean bambam, bambam sorry" i quickly say, realizing that i just called him an old nickname. he just smiles, causing little butterflies in my stomach

"you can call me that, if it's okay if i call you yeommie" he smiled as i nodded a little too quick

"ok, bammie, do you think that hoseok hyung kind of likes jungkook" i whispered as his eyes widens

"i thought that i was the only one who noticed that" bambam whispers

"bammie, can i ask you something" i ask as we take a seat on the benches. he nods and faces me.

'he still looks pretty, even with the little scar on his cheek' i thought, but that was until he pinched my cheek, snapping me out from my thoughts

"ow" i rub my cheek as he let out a small chuckle.

"you kept looking at me" he smiled

"bambam this is serious... i have to tell you something" i whispered, moving closer

"what is it?" he gave me a confused look as i grabbed his hands.

'i'm sorry jinyoung' i thought, and placed my hand on his cheek, causing his eyes to widen

"yug-" i cut him off by placing my finger over his soft lips

"j-just, if you don't like it... then close your e-eyes" i whispered as we just locked eyes for a moment, he sighed, still not closing them as i started leaning. our faces were getting closer and closer.

"yugyeom?" a familiar voice whispered

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