phone call

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as bambam silently sat in the car, a certain ringtone caught his attention

YG is calling...

bambam's eyes widens as he reread the contact ID. after 4 years.... now he calls? and at the wrong time too. he didn't wanna feel sad again

accept decline

as he held it down, he inhaled deeply before switching

accept   decline

there was nothing yet to be heard until a faint gasp caught his attention

yg                                                              bam



bambam now...

how're you?

why did you call?

there was brief and intense silence

did he hurt you

h-how did you-

i was his boyfriend

the way he said was seemed as if he'd just ended it, or something along those lines, bambam thought before hearing the other male clear his throat

I'm actually coming back


for good

oh. really?





for some reason bambam felt a huge pang in his chest as the 'why' slipped out

because... i miss being there


i miss you

there was a long silence, but the last three words that came out made bambam freeze as he replayed the other male's words over and over

i miss you too

yg call ended

bambam couldn't help but smile at his phone as he finally had something happy happen to him today. but all that wondered through his mind was about the other male. would he be there waiting for him? would he forgive him? does he still love him? will he love him ever again? the thoughts made his heart beat rapidly as he started taking hard deep breaths, lisa tapped him and gave him a tablet and a glass of water

"yah, the doctor said for you to never miss your tablet date and take it everyday... your chest isn't as strong as before anymore yknow" lisa stated in a worried before rubbing his back and sighing

"few more hours" lisa smiled as bambam grinned and nodded excitingly.

sorry short chapter >_<

i got 'line' :D : smallleidbug

hehe, love you all

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