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"have you ever been heartbroken and confused" jinyoung whispered while leaning his head on hoseok's shoulder. hoseok just sighed before nodding

"i've had to let go to make others happy" hoseok let's out a sad sigh before closing his eyes

"it hurts right" jinyoung questioned as he nods

"why'd you do it" hoseok whispered. jinyoung just sighed

"he wanted to be happy... and i wanted him to be happy... even if it's not with me" jinyoung whispered as hoseok just engulfed him into a secured and reassuring hug as he starts to cry.

"i'll never leave you" hoseok whispered as he rubs jinyoung's back.

they just stayed in that position for a while. both legs entangled between one another as they both had their arms wrapped one another, they were basically cuddling.

"jinnie?" hoseok whispered, but once he heard the sounds of soft snores coming from the younger male, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he lifts jinyoung and brings him to bed.

after he changes his clothes, he tucks him in and kisses his forehead. but before he could leave, he felt someone pull him down

"please don't leave me too" jinyoung whispered as he held onto hoseok's hand. hoseok nodded before removing his socks, and shirt before slipping between the covers, causing jinyoung to come closer and basically lay his head on his shoulder.

thump. thump. thump. thump.

"hobi" jinyoung whispered as hoseok hums and opens his eyes, jinyoung scoots closer and leans his head on hoseok's chest. he could hear his heart...
thump thump thump thump

"i can hear your heart" jinyoung whispered as he yawns. hoseok just smiles and yawns before they both close their eyes and fall asleep.


"what happened to you both of you?" youngjae was fully concerned, seeing both of his best friends looking really depressed and tear stained cheeks

"stupid boys" jungkook shakingly said as yugyeom nodded

"i feel you" youngjae said, causing jaebum to grab his shoulder

"what about me" jaebum questioned as youngjae scoffed

"bambam, he remembers... and he's still leaving" yugyeom started crying once again as jungkook rubs his shoulders

"taehyung has been cheating on me because i've been busy" jungkook sobs as well.

youngjae and jaebum just stare at one another, feeling terrible for the two younger boys.

"cmon, we're taking you out..." jaebum stated as youngjae nodded

"where?" yugyeom asked as he held onto jungkook's hand.

"the club downtown..." jaebum stated as the other three stared with wide eyes


"my treat... you all need it" jaebum said as he pushed the two out, but before youngjae left, jaebum took a hold of youngjae's hand

"you're with me" he whispered causing youngjae to blush as they all headed towards jaebum's car.

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