random 2jae one-shot

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(unedited) i just finished an anime and I felt like I was in a 2jae mood moods yee

December 18, 2014
it was just like any other day in jaebum's point of view. the wind blew and the temperatures dropping indicating that winter is near. he hated this town. It's too filled with memories he'd rather forget. does the same routine over and over such as; go to school every day, hang out with friends, and then go home. which is a place he'd rather not go ever again. at times he'd wonder if anything will ever change? will that day ever come?he plopped his earphones in his ears along with a strawberry flavored lollipop in his mouth and sighed. there was only two weeks left of school til winter break and everyone couldn't be more excited for that.

as he made his way near the school, he saw a boy- around a year younger than him, just staring at the school while leaning on a blossom tree. jaebum stared at the boy and couldn't help but admire the stranger's features; his eyes sparkled as he looked back up at the blossoms falling one at time, slowly yet calmly, his palm that is being held out as some of the blossom falls onto it as he smiled at how soft they'd be, his jawline- which jaebum found intriguing as to how sharp it looked but what caught his attention was the smile and giggles coming out of the boy's mouth... all in all, jaebum thought that he was simply- unique and charming.

he didn't realize how long he was staring until the other male shivered and made eye contact with the older male. jaebum quickly snapped back into reality and tried to walk past the younger male but was only stopped by the younger male's voice

"Do you like this school? I like this school very, very much. But everything keep changing. All the fun and happy things are changing. But even so, are you still able to like this place?"he stated still standing at the same spot. jaebum just shrugged as he turned realizing that the male might've not been talking to him. he continued to walk but also rubbed his hands together realizing that the weather's temperature was once again dropping.

"Isn't it fine as long as you find it? Isn't it fine as long as you find the next fun and happy moments again?" jaebum responded as the stranger yelps at his reaction as if he wasn't expecting him to have one. the male simply nods slowly before coughing hard, grabbing jaebum's attention.

"cmon, we'll be late if we don't go now" jaebum whispered as he shoved his hands into his coat and continued to walk fprward, followed by the stranger who followed behind, looking like a lost puppy.

"what is your name?"

"choi youngjae... and you?"

"im jaebum... how cme i've never seen you before, are you new?"

"i'd rather not be known by many people... i don't really like attention- especially since this is my second time repeating the same grade again..." youngjae whispered the last part as jaebum's eyes widens, he was about to ask more questions but the sound of youngjae constantly coughing and shivering caught his attention as he removed his coat and placed it over him.

"y-you didn't need to do that... this happends everytime" youngjae's voice was so soft, he wondered if jaebum even hear him- on the other hand jaebum couldn't stop asking himself, 'why did i do that? i never do that? should i take it back?' but by looking at the younger male who seemed to shiver less caused him to sigh and just continue their walk to school

"i-i want to get t-to know you" youngjae whispered as he looked down, feeling timid. jaebum on the other hand chuckled at his stuttered words and nodded

"what do you wanna know?"

"im jaebum, 18, last year of high school, sexuality is unknown, favorite color black, white and red, life sucks, i have friends but i mainly just talk to two or three, family i'd rather not talk about and single" jaebum's eyes widen as he said that last word, which he didn't know why it came out but it just did causing youngjae's cheek to tint a shade of pink but clueless jaebum thought that it was because of the cold air.

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