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"how're you" the older male whispered as he kept his eyes moving back and forth between his 'friend girl' and his 'american-british looking dude.'

"oh, i'm good- great how about yo-"

"hey, I'm troye, and the lady is lisa." troye smiled as he held out his hand for the younger male to shake. "nice to meet you guys, I'm-"

"we know who you are." troye smiled as lisa elbowed him, he bowed, causing lisa to let out a soft chuckle. "what?"

"why'd you bow?" lisa questioned as troye showed her his book. "you do that when you meet someone new, as respect.... right?"

"sure, okay, let's go. namjoon and i will help with your bags." as yugyeom went for lisa's bag, she shook her head. "my other friend who lives here is... actually gonna pick me up." she awkwardly laughs before spotting a person from afar, waving and runs off.

"well i guess it's just the fo-"

"actually bam, my friend is here too, but hey! we'll see you at our hotel?" bambam nods as troye smiles before squinting his eyes. "ashley!"

"so just the three of us..." yugyeom whispers as bambam awkwardly nods as namjoon holds his thumbs up. "it'll be great guys, reunion!"


as their ride went it silence, bambam couldn't help but take a little nap as the plane ride took longer than expected.

yugyeom couldn't help but stare as the slightly older male's head continued to move back and forth as his eyes were shut. a smile slowly slipped on his face as he inched his fingers closer, until he managed to bring bambam's head on too, resting on his shoulder.

little did he know that namjoon watched from the rear view mirror as he smiled, and continued to drive.


once they got home, namjoon offered to bring the bags up as yugyeom lost to rock, paper, scissors, and ended up carrying bambam to his old bedroom.

as he slowly placed him down, he kissed his forehead before turning around, but stopping as he feels a grip around his wrist, causing him to freeze. "... please don't leave me."

bambam's eyes were still closed, but the younger male wanted to look at them. as he tries to wiggle out of his grasp... no use.

should he stay, or should he go?

he left for 4 years...

but did write letters, every month.

"scoot over." the younger male whispered as the other male did as told, they wrapped one another in each others arms, holding securely. "yeommie?"

that nickname, he hasn't said it in years. "yes bammie? "

there was a long pause before bambam could finish what he had to say. he scooted up as he cupped my cheeks, and pushed them closer to one another, before giggling. "i missed you..."

he turned seriously at that moment as yugyeom tensed up, he could feel the older male's freehand hold the younger male's hand as he held to his heart.

"i don't care how cheesy this sounds.... but that's my heart, and it's me thinking about you." bambam whispered as yugyeom's eyes widens, he left his hand there.

his heart was beating rapidly fast as the younger male stared deep into his eyes. everything hit him as a tear escaped from his eyes, he knew how much things could change in one minute.

"i missed you more."

crappy. lol.

twd got me fucked up, I'm too shook and hurt still :"(

my babies, i'm so sad and angry...

please comment n vote! ^-^

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