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It was a crisp cold winters day in the big, but somewhat rundown city of New York.

Richard Castle was awoken that morning by none other then his beautiful soon to be wife Katherine Beckett, sitting next to him on their bed with a cup of coffee. She has long chestnut hair that curled just perfectly in waves bordering her face. Richard could stare at her beautiful sparkly brown eyes forever. Kate slowly moved closer to Rick, but just when they were about to kiss Kate's phone rang it was the precinct.

"It's Esposito" Kate said looking at rick. "I better get this, we probably have a body."

"Okay, but you owe me a kiss." Rick told Kate as she answered her phone.

"Hey Esposito what's up."

"You wanna take a guess?"

"Do we have a body?"

"Well you better get here and see for your self" as Esposito and Kate hung up their phones Rick turned to Kate with an exciting look on his face

" We got a body?" before Kate could answer Rick kept talking "what did someone cross paths with the under world and get murdered because if it?"

"No bit Esposito said we should see for our selves."

Kate got dressed in her black pants that fell perfectly over her leather boots with a white top and her black leather jacket she grabbed her gun and her badge and waited for Castle. After Castle had put on his black pants and button up shirt he put on his black leather loafers, and his navy blue jacket. " You ready yet Prince Charming, or do I have to wait until you fix your hair too." Kate said jokingly as she was sitting behind him on the bed all ready to go.

"Ha ha ha very funny" castle said

As he moved over on the bed to sit next to Beckett "so you still owe me that kiss" Castle said smiling at Beckett "mmh I do don't I" Beckett leaned closer to Castle and rested her forehead on his, slowly she kissed him barley stopping for a breathe. She looked up and looked into to Castles glimmering eyes "do you love me Castle" she asked and Castle replied "ALWAYS."

Okay guys this was my firsts chapter kinda short this is my first time doing this, but I hope you like it.

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