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Beckett's POV

I woke up feeling castle's breath as his arms stretched around my waist; holding me close to his warm body. I felt safe lying in his arms, and I knew he was going to make an amazing father. I felt him stir next to me, and he kissed my bare shoulder that wasn't covered by the white sheets draped over our huge king size bed.

"Morning beautiful, and good morning baby" he said laying his hand calmly on my stomach. I turned around so I could face him and I kissed his stubbly cheek, he still haven't shaven. "Are you going into work today?" he asked me leaning his forehead on mine.

"We are in the middle of a case, so probably." I got up so I could get changed, I walked over to our closet and looked for something that I could wear. I picked out an outfit and was walking out of the closet until I looked at myself in the mirror. I threw my outfit on the ground, "ugh" I screamed; castle walked in,

"What's wrong?" he held my hands in his.

"I'm too fat, I can't wear this!" He looked into my eyes, shocked at what I said

"Listen Kate you are the most beautiful, courageous, and brave woman I know." He stared into my eyes, "you look beautiful in everything. Even when your not wearing anything." He looked at me smirking with that cute smile that I have fell in love with over and over again. Then I smiled, because I knew I was going to marry the most amazing man on this earth, and that we were going to have this baby together. I kissed he passionately,

"I love you" I said breaking our little make out session.

"I love you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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