be alright

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Kate's POV

I could barely here the sirens from the ambulance, over the beat of my heart. My eyelids were starting to get heavy and my vision was blurry. I could only see a faint outline of Castle, who was holding my hand. I closed my eyes trying not to squirm from the agonizing pain that shot throw my body. That is when I blacked out.

3 Hours Later (in the hospital)

I pried my eyes open slowly, the light burned as it pierced them. Castle was sitting next to me on a chair clutching my hand. His eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying, On the other side of me there was a nurse checking my I.V,

"Kate, your awake" Castle kissed my forehead, and sighed in relief.

"Great, Mrs. Beckett you're awake," the nurse said walking towards me and Castle. " It looks like you are going to be fine, and we were able to save the baby." Castle and I looked at each other in complete shock and at the same time questioned the nurse.


"Yes, Mrs.Beckett you are just over 2 weeks pregnant," Castle and I looked at each other trading looks of joy.

"We're having a baby," Castle said smiling and kissing me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Authors Note

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