That guy

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Kate and Richard walked together towards the body that was covered by a shadow from the building over head. Kate lifted the black and yellow crime scene tape over her and Richards heads trying not to spill her coffee.

"Hey espo what's up," Kate said looking over to her fellow detective Javier Esposito

"Come take a look." Kate looked unsure at him thinking what was going on. She bent down next to Lanie.

"Where's the body?"

"It's right here, or part of it," Lanie said moving the tarp that lied on the ground to revel a head with its tongue cut out, ears cut off, and eyes dug out of its head. Castle turned around gagging at the sight.

"Oh not that persons best day!" Castle said biting his knuckle. "Wait a second," castle said turning around "I know what this is, no tongue so he guy can't speak no ears can't hear no eyes so he can't see." Beckett looked at him waiting for him to explain what was going on. "Okay so it's like in this movie I saw one of the lines a guy said was see no evil hear no evil speak no evil."

"Wow castle very intelligent of you, all though what movie was that?" Kevin Ryan another one of Becketts fellow detectives said walking towards them.

"I don't know, I wanna say it was a zombie movie but I really have no idea, I just remembered the line."

"Of course it was a zombie movie." Beckett said smiling at castle with her beautiful straight white teeth, castle wanted to kiss her so bad, even if there was a dead body in front of them. "Let's see what else we can find, Lanie do you think you can get an id?"

"We'll girl to be honest I think an id is out of the question it looks like the killer made the victims fingerprints jagged with a knife slicing them. No facial recognition would work either, but you know I could see if his DNA is in the NYPD database."

"Okay Lanie that's great Castle and I will look for any security cameras that might have seem anything. You guys go along with Lanie to the morgue." All of them walked away getting into their New York issued police cars and driving off.

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