Set me free

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Mayas POV

Today is Joshes birthday. I haven't seen him since we broke up. Morgan, goes back and forth with Maci.

He has Maci today. I then get her tonight because, im sure he'll be out partying tonight.

I have school today. I throw on shorts and a tank top. I throw on my hoodie. I put my beanie on with my ankle boots. I do my makeup when theres a knock.

I go and answer it to see Josh with his friends. I let them in. I don't look Josh in the eyes or even say anything.

I finish my makeup and then I go into Maci room. I get her dressed and someone knocks. Josh, opens the door. Ugh! Why does Josh always invite all of his friends over.

I walk out and start gathering my stuff for school.

" Jordan, make sure he doesn't screw up. Dont loose her again either" I say and get my bag.

" Maya, you hurt him. Hes not the same without you" Ashley says.

" And you think it was easy for me! It hurt alot! I was just doing what was best for my kids" I reply and Josh stands up.

He takes my hoodie and pushes my sleeves up.


"NO ITS NOT! I NEVER SAID IT WAS! " I yell back and he slams me into the wall. He looks into my eyes and kisses me.

I push him and look at everyone.

" I can't Josh. I just wanted a break. You wanted more. " I reply.

I grab my bag and I give Maci a kiss.

"Maya wait" he says.

" Happy birthday Josh" I reply and My dad walks in. I step back and grab Maci.

"Maya" he says.

" What the hell are you doing here!" I ask through gritted teeth.
" I wanted to see you and my granddaughter " he says.

" You have no right to call me your daughter and Maci sure the hell isn't your granddaughter. You sighed those abandonment papers " I reply.

" Maya, we just want to be apart of your life" he says.

" Set me free. If you cared you would set me free and never come back" I reply and a couple tears fall.

" Your pregnant, Your an amazing mother. The way you would do anything for Maci and how whenever you see her your smile is wide and nothing can change that. You would never leave your kids. You would do anything for them. I wish I would of been the same Maya. I left you three times, I dont plan on leaving your for a fourth time" he replies and leaves.

I drop my bag and fall to the ground. I don't know why but, i feel as if my heart has been broken into million of pieces. I collect myself and grab my bag. I run out of the apartment and get a cab to school.

Once, I get there I find Riley and hug her.

" Maya, what happened?" she asks.

" My dad came by and he wants to be apart of Maci and I life. Josh, came over and we got into a argument and he kissed me. " I reply.

" Come on, let's go back to your place" she says and we take the subway.

We, go to my apartment and Josh is still there with his friends.

" Oh" I say and go into my room. I shut the door and throw on leggings and a jersey. I go out and Riley is ordering food.

" Maya?" Josh asks.

" What Josh?" I ask.

" Whens your due date?" he asks.

" June fourth Josh " I reply.

"Oh" he says and keeps staring at me.

" What Josh? " I ask.

" Your so damn beautiful" he says.

" Thanks" I reply and look at the time.

" alright Maci, its nap time" I say.

" Daddy said no nap" Maci says and Josh laughs.

" I never said that Ace" he says.

" Yes you did" she says.

" No I didn't " he says.

"yes!" she yells.

"No!" he says.

" Yes!" she yells.

"alright! Both of you enough! Maci, your taking a nap. End of discussion!" I say and stand up. I pick her up and take her to her room. I lay her in her bed and she falls asleep almost instantly.

I walk out and crack the door.

" And Thats how its done. " I say and there's a knock.

Riley, answers it and Shawn comes in. I run to him and hug him tightly.

" Hey, there's my favorite couple" he says and we sit on the couch.

" Everyone in my room now!" I say and we all go into the room except for Shawn.

" Whats going on Maya?" Cody asks.

" Josh, wheres the ring?" I ask.

" Right here" he says and grabs it out of his pocket.

" okay, give it here " I say.

" Why?.... Oh! Okay here" he says and I put it on my finger.

" Riley, go home and tell everyone about the plan. Shawn and my mom can't find out that Josh and I broke up" I say.

"okay" she says and runs out of the room and I hear the front door slam.

We, all go back out and Josh sits next to me and Im next to Shawn.

" Happy birthday Josh" Shawn says.

" Thank you Shawn " he replies.

"What are you doing today?" Shawn asks.

" Um, going out for a few hours. Have a few drinks and come home to my amazing fiancée " he says I step on his foot.

" That sounds fun. Wheres Maci?" he asks.

" Shes down for a nap " I reply and smile.

" Sorry I haven't been around. I was in California for work" Shawn says.

" Yeah no problem we understand" Josh replies.

" So, whens the wedding?" Shawn asks.

" Um in December " I reply.

" Yeah, because we love winter time. Maybe Christmas.... Who knows. As long as Im with Maya Im fine. Josh says and turns my head and kisses me. I have no choice but, to kiss him back.

" Wait i thought you guys where-" Drew starts saying and Cole puts his hand over his mouth.

" Im going to go see Topanga and Cory. Be back later " Shawn says and leaves.

" Seriously? Why that good of acting Josh?" I ask.

" Who said I was acting " he says and his friends leave to go get the food.

" I Cant do this Josh. Im sorry " I say and he kisses me again. I fall back on couch and hes on top of me. It feels so right but, It feels so wrong.

Thoughts? Will they work things out? Will Shawn figure out that they actually broke up? Will they get back together? Favorite part? Favorite line?

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