The girls are born part 2

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"She has been a big help this morning when labor started she hit the call button and got the nurse for me cause the contractions were really strong and she would make me feel better as well when i was in pain she is such a sweetheart, and such a good daughter" Logan says as they were heading back to the room to get comfortable and be with Allie just in case she was missing papa right now

"That's good has she been learning how to take care of a baby?" Kendall asks Logan when they were back in the room waiting to see how far Logan had progressed with his labor

"Yeah she has and she is a pro at feeding the babies as well as changing the diapers, but she needs help with holding the babies a little bit since her arms are small and she can't hold them like how Peter can hold the babies" Logan says to Kendall when a contraction hits

"We can work with her on holding the babies a little bit since we have a bit of time before the girls are born and maybe she might be able to hold the first one after you have been cleaned up of course" Kendall says to Logan as they enter the room to get comfortable

"Yeah we can cause she has plenty of doll babies that the hospital gave her so she can practice holding them which she has been getting good when she walks with them though sometimes the babies fall out of her arms, so I have been working with her on that" Logan tells Kendall as he got ready to bounce a little bit

"Allie do you want to bounce with papa?" Kendall asks as he looks at her as Logan held her ball if she wanted to bounce on the ball

She nods as she goes over to the ball that papa had for her so she could bounce a little bit next to him

"Okay try to balance yourself baby" Kendall says to her as he put the ball down for her so she could bounce a little bit

Allie nods as she got on the ball next to papa, so she could bounce

"She is our little princess"Kendall says when he fixes her hair a little bit

"Yeah she is and she loves to be the princess" Logan says as he was bouncing along waiting for labor to get intense a little bit so he could have the girls and they could be complete

"Princess Allie" Kendall says as Logan was moaning during a contraction

Allie smiled at daddy when daddy called her name

"She is too cute" Logan says to Kendall

"Yeah she is" Kendall says to Logan as they embraced Allie a little bit

Kendall and Logan told her a story to make it all better for her and that got Logan's mind off the contractions a little bit as he was bouncing on the labor ball    


"Better baby?" Logan asks her as she wanted papa to hold her a little bit

She nods as she looks at papa with her pretty eyes

"Okay papa will hold you for a little bit" Logan says as he decided he was going to hold Allie in his arms

Kendall couldn't help but smile at Logan and Allie they were quite a pair, and they were getting along just fine in his book and he could not wait to get her home when Logan had all of the girls

"How you doing Logie?" Kendall asks him as he took a seat next to Logan's bed

"In pain but I'm hiding it for Allie I don't want to scare her" Logan says as he was rocking Allie in his arms a little bit to soothe her cause she wanted mommy to hold her a little bit and Logan didn't blame her

"She hates seeing you in pain so she is trying it make it better for you" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah a little bit I love her for it" Logan says as he heads to the bed with her cause the nurse just came into the room to check him

Logan talked to Allie the whole time to make it all better for her as he was being checked

"You are at five centimeters and this is where the pain medicine can be given" the nurse tells Logan

Logan went for the medicine cause he wanted to be with Allie for as long as he could as he labored cause when he has the girls she will have to wait in the lobby until he had the babies and she will be allowed to be with papa again once the girls were here

"She is too perfect" Kendall says to Logan as they were with Allie

"I know she is and I love her so much, and she is really perfect, and nothing can take this moment away from us ever" Logan says as he looks at Allie who was snuggled with mommy right now and was just enjoying being with mommy right now for as long as she can cause when mommy has the babies she can't be with mommy at all she will have to wait outside for mommy to be okay and her new sisters are here so she can be with mommy again

"I do too I didn't think I could love anyone that much as I love her she is such a sweetheart and I won't change a thing to get her back again she is cute at this age when she wants us" Kendall says as he takes Allie so they could have some daddy daughter time alone which was needed since mommy was going to get the medicine in her back so the babies can come


"Baby do you want to color a picture for your sisters huh?" Logan asks her as he has Kendall get the coloring books for Allie so she could color a little bit as they waited for the girls to come

She shakes her head no as she was cuddled with mommy still like a good little girl that she was

"Maybe she has separation issues right now" Kendall says as he sits across from Logan

"She might go see if a therapist can come into the room and we can get this worked out before Emily comes as well as any of the girls" Logan says to Kendall

Kendall left to go get a therapist, so they could have a little session before the girls were born

"Don't worry bug we will help you with this" Logan says as he was hugging her close as they waited for Kendall to come back with the therapist for Allie so they could work through it together

Allie was glad she was going to have help overcoming this part of her life

"I hope daddy hurries and gets here before your sisters come" he says as he looks at her and the clock on the wall that was in his room

All Logan did was hold and talk to her until Kendall came back

V & C

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now