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 "Yes, Allie is her for her test" Kendall says to the nurses cause the nurses from upstairs called down to them and let them know that Allie was coming in

The nurse takes Allie to a room so the test could be done on her to see if she were rape

"Allie daddy and me will be right here the whole-time princess we won't let anything happen to you" Logan says as he was putting her on the bed, so she was comfortable as she was getting the test done

"Yeah, baby your brother is right here too" Kendall says as Peter was going to be lying next to her since she had to be on the bed by herself

Peter hugged her as the nurse was going to get her ready to see what she got when she was raped

"Princess you are so brave" Kendall says as he was stroking her hair as the nurse continues to do what she needed to do

The doctor comes in and he was going to do the test

"Allie once this is all over, we can do what you want, or get you anything you want" Logan says as he was keeping her calm cool and collected as the test was being done on her

"We will see what she has in a little bit" the doctor says as the test was taken to the lab for testing

Logan was going to hold her since she wanted papa to hold her, and he was going to hold her close to him

"Baby you were so brave" Logan says to her as he held her as she cried on him

Peter went to the gift shop to get her some presents to help make it all better

"Allie i hope you are okay" Logan says as he was holding her as she still cried on him


"Thank you, Peter," Logan says as Peter handed Allie a present cause she needed something to make it better for her

Allie took it as she was still hanging onto papa

"Peter you sure are caring, loving and everything in-between right now" Kendall says to him

"He is I love how he is with the boys" Logan says to Kendall cause Kendall was going to get the boys and bring them there

"I know he is so helpful" Kendall says to Logan as he was leaving the room to get the boys

Peter went with daddy as they were going to go get the babies

"I hope you are okay princess" Logan says as he was holding her close cause he wanted to always protect her

Logan sang and told her stories as they were waiting for Kendall and Peter to return with the babies


Kendall and the boys came

"Allie look who i got" Kendall says as he came in with the triple stroller that had the boys and Peter was holding onto the stroller as they walked in the room

Allie was happy to see her brothers

"Anything?" Kendall asks Logan

"Nothing" Logan says as he was still cuddling her close to him cause he loved her with all his heart

"Poor baby" Kendall says as he came closer to her to hold her maybe

Allie wanted to stay with mommy Logan right now

"Kenny, she wants me" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall right now

Kendall understood and he was going to let Allie be with mama

"I brought your favorite book" Kendall says as he gives Logan the book to read to her as they were waiting

Soon the doctor came in to check Allie out and see what the damage was 

(Much later)

"This will be taken to the lab" the doctor says as he was taking what was taken from the little girl 

"Allie you were so brave princess" Kendall says as he was looking at her

"Yeah, we are very proud of you" Logan says as he kisses her to make her feel better cause she was going through a lot right now and it was a lot on her right now 

"I see a sundae in your future baby" Kendall says as he looks at her 

"Yes, the biggest sundae you can think of" Logan says as they were going to watch something on the television for the time being to help her cause this was going to take a process as well for her results to come back from the lab   

"Or whatever you want baby it is your choice after all" Kendall says as he was looking at her cause Peter was watching his brothers for daddy and papa right now and the results could be bad for her cause she was the one that got it the most out of the two of them and their dad was an evil man  

Allie loved that a lot and she could not wait to taste it and share it with her parents that loved her so much for who she was 

I will continue i promise 

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now