Mollie's heart trouble

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"Okay Mr. Henderson push" the doctor says as he came into the room for the delivery

Logan pushed silently cause he hated to wake Allie up from her slumber since she was a little angel

"That was a good push" the doctor says as he saw the head come into view since Mollie was cooperating for her parents for the delivery

Logan went back to pushing as Kendall counted

"The head is almost out" the doctor says to Logan

"Finally" Logan says as he goes back to pushing

Allie started to whimper in her sleep

"Oh Allie it's okay papa is right here" Logan says as he comforts the little angel as she was sleeping

Logan waited for Allie to settle back down and go to sleep again on her own before he went back to delivering Mollie

"The heart rate is dropping" the nurse says as she hears the baby monitor going off

"Okay Logan I am going to use the vacuum as you push we need to get the baby out now" the doctor tells him

Logan gave every push his all until he heard that cry cause Mollie was born

"Here she is" the doctor says as he holds Mollie up as she was crying up a storm 

"Hi Mollie" Logan says as he sees her as she was put on his chest for the very first time since she had been born 

"Mollie you sure are cute yes you are yes you are" Kendall says as he sees her after she was born

"Would you like to do the cord?" the doctor asks Kendall as he hands him a pair of scissors

Kendall cuts the cord as Logan had Mollie and was soothing her

"That wasn't too bad now was it" Logan says after Kendall had cut the cord

"Nope she didn't make a peep" Kendall says as he looks at her as Logan still had her

Logan had to hand her over so she could be looked over to see if she was a healthy baby 

"Logie you will get her back soon" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause he was scared for Mollie 

"I hope so too" Logan says as he had to have the after birth of all three girls and it was not going to hurt as much

After the after birth had been delivered Logan was just resting as he waited on Mollie to come back cause Logan wanted to hold all three in his arms and have Allie right by him but that was not happening at all   

"Kenny where are they taking her?" Logan asks as Mollie was taken out of the room and to another room 

Kendall was going to go and see where they were taking Mollie since Logan wanted to be with her as much as possible right now since that time was crucial and Logan was never ever going to get that back and he was hoping he could have her meet her sisters outside of the womb they only interacted with each other through their sacs 

"Okay Mr. Henderson we are taking you back to the room now" the nurse says to him as they head back to the room with Allie close to papa since she was fast asleep like a little angel but they needed the crib for a patient so Allie had to go back with papa and Logan was okay with that 

"How old is your daughter?" another mother to be asks Logan as she was headed there as well

"Two she is an angel" Logan says as he was headed to his room for the time being 

"She is  perfect" the mom tells him as she was having contractions 

"Thanks she is for sure" he says as he was taken tot he room cause they were not going to let them have any time together for the time being since Logan loved her to pieces cause she never had that mommy daughter relationship buts he had a new papa and daughter relationship and she was going to take advantage of it as much as she could right now before she can't have those moments  

Logan was loving Allie since she was little and she was just perfect too cause she was like a little koala bear that needed that comfort   

"Papa is right here bug a boo" he says as he was talking to her as she was sleeping like an angel

Logan started to get sleepy bringing three little babies into the world is hard work so sleep was welcome right now so Logan was going to take a nap for a while since the others were in the nursery right now and Logan was okay with that so he needed a little me time or papa and Allie time in his case and he was really happy about that      

"I think you have the right idea Allie girl i think papa is going to join you" Logan says as he covers both of them up so they weren't cold at all 

Logan hugged her close as she was napping and he was going to lay next to her since she was close to papa 

(Much later)

Logan and Allie were wide awake and playing with some toys that Kendall had brought over since she was not going to be leaving anytime soon either until papa is home with her  

"Kenny did you find out what is going on with Mollie?" Logan asks since he was on the floor with Allie and Kendall went home to get the boys and bring them to see papa and their new baby sisters for the first time too since Allie had them all to herself which she liked

"Yeah i did i hated to wake you since you were fast asleep with Allie so i was going to leave you sleep" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as he locks the breaks on the one stroller  

"Ah Kenny that is really sweet of you to do that" Logan says as the other girls were brought in cause they needed to nurse really bad

'Welcome and now for the reason why Mollie was taken away" Kendall says as he was checking on the boys to make sure they were okay and Peter was with his sister right now and they were happily playing with some toys since the boys were sleeping right now in the stroller   

Logan was ready to listen 

"Okay the reason why Mollie was taken away was she has a heart problem and they want to watch her closely to see what the treatment will be for her down the road right now i don't even know what they will do for her so right now she is in the NICU where the other babies that are sick are and if you want to see her later we can go and see her if you want and if you don't that is fine Logie cause i want to give you time to process this news" Kendall says as Peter went to sit in the chair like a good little boy since he didn't want to be with his baby sisters he wanted to be with his brothers since they were asleep right now he could not do much with them cause Allie went to play house with one of the dolls and Peter didn't want to play house  

Logan was heart broken and he wanted to see Mollie right that minute and Kendall was going to take him to her and he was going to see if the kids were going to be okay by themselves while they were with Mollie and seeing her and paying attention to her so she feels loved as well 

"Okay i can get a wheelchair for you Logie, and we can go and see her" Kendall says as he was going to get a wheelchair for Logan so they could head there and be with their littlest princess who was not feeling the best cause Logan wanted to see her and maybe hold her for the first time like he did with the other two who were happy campers back in the room with their big sister Allie and their big brother Peter too as well as their brothers who were contented in the stroller at the moment    

V & C

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