Allie bonds with Caitlyn

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Here is the chapter i was hoping to get it up earlier in the day, but i was busy doing stuff like putting the fall stuff away, and bringing down the tree, and putting the tree up as well, and i ended up having a meltdown cause of it as well. I hope you guys like it and happy Thanks giving to you all from me Priceisrightrusher

"Hi Caitlyn" Logan says when he saw her for the first time and she was crying up a storm as mommy was holding her for the first time after she was born 

"Allie want to meet Caitlyn?" Kendall asks as he looks at her cause Allie was scared of papa

She nods as she went in slowly to see her sister for the first time since been born, and she was a little scared this time around

"Caitlyn that's Allie your big sister, and she will be there for you when you need her, and you have a big brother at home too, and he will protect you" Logan says as he looks at her cause Caitlyn saw someone different in the room as well and she was wondering who that was 

"Hi Caitlyn" Allie says as she looks at her baby sister who settled down after a while and was looking at who was next to her since mommy was holding her, and she heard different voices in the room and she was wondering who else was talking

"Allie she knows your voice" Kendall says as he came back with a nurse so they could see Caitlyn and get Logan out of the tub and back into bed so he could bond with the girls a little bit before the last one was born and that was Mollie the littlest one of all, so she was given the nickname little one since she was so little 

Allie smiles at daddy and papa as she was looking at the baby that papa had 

"You want to hold her Allie?" Logan asks as he looks at his daughter that was in the room with him

Allie nods as she was looking at papa with her pretty eyes on the baby 

"Okay you can hold sissy" Logan says as he hands Caitlyn over to Allie, so he could get out of the tub

"Support her head like you do with Emily" Kendall says as he was going to help Logan out since he got to cut the cord after Caitlyn was born 

Allie was just in aww as she was holding her baby sister in her arms as she was walking around the room with her and was just enjoying the moment that she had with her sisters cause Emily was sleeping in her bassinet in the nursery right now and she just had Caitlyn to admire and look at for right now

"What do you think of Caitlyn?" Kendall asks as Logan got into the bed cause they had to check where Molly was and when she was going to be making her debut as well

"I like her" Allie says as she went to get Emily, so Emily could be in the room too with her sister 

Allie returned a few minutes later with Emily in her bassinet 

"Okay I think she wants a picture with her sisters" Logan says with a chuckle cause he saw Allie smile really big as she was with both of her sisters

"I think we can do that" Kendall says as he got the camera out so he could get a picture of Allie with her sisters so far

Logan took some pictures as well even though he didn't feel like pictures but he could not get enough of Allie with her sisters

"Now to see who going to sit with who" Kendall says as he was going to figure out who was going to go in the huge van Logan had 

"We can do that later" Logan says as he was admiring the girl's cause Allie wanted her sisters on the floor with her cause she wanted to play with them

Kendall and Logan loved hearing Allie talk to her sisters as they waited for Molly to come

"Peter loves his brothers he is such a big help at home helping to feed, dress, and help me change them" Kendall says to Logan

"That's good" Logan says as Caitlyn started to cry and Allie was trying her best to soothe her baby sister

"Allie sometimes daddy and or papa has to step in and help take care of them, but you were a big help helping to keep them occupied while daddy and papa talked" Kendall says as he got Caitlyn cause she was hungry and she needed fed

"You can still play with Emily though cause sometimes Emily would like a friend to play with" Logan says as he looked at her as he was getting comfortable for Molly to come into the world cause

"Yeah Allie I bet Emily would love to see you" Kendall says as he handed Emily to Allie while Caitlyn was with papa for a moment getting something to eat

Emily looked up at Allie with her pretty eyes and Allie looked down at her baby sister

"She loves you Allie" Logan says to her as he was feeding Caitlyn still and Kendall was giving Logan a massage as well to make him feel comfortable as he was still in labor a little bit 

"Yeah and she knows big sister will always be by her side no matter what happens to her" Kendall says as he was looking at Allie as well   

"Plus she knows that you will have her back no matter what happens in life Allie she loves you" Logan says as he was hit by another contraction and it was worst then the others then he had so far with the girls and that was not good

"Logan are you okay?" Kendall asks as he took Caitlyn out of Logan's arms for a little bit while he waited on Logan to see what was going on with him

"I don't know Kenny something is going on with Molly and it is starting to scare me a bit right now and i won't be able to have all three girls naturally like i wanted" Logan says as he was dealing with the contraction in his way right now and see what was going on with him since the contractions were started to hurt more then what they did with the other two girls 

Kendall went to get help while Allie tended to her one baby sister that was not happy right now 

"Hi Caitlyn" Allie says as she looks at her sister once more 

"She needs burps Allie, and probably a new diaper as well, so can you burp her for papa?" Logan says to her after the contraction had passed and he was going to help Allie with her sisters and everything else 

Allie picks her sister up gently like how daddy was doing with her earlier 

"Prop her on your shoulder sweetie and gently pat her on her back" Logan says as he was going to help her with it since she never did it before 

Allie did what she was told and Caitlyn let out some good burps for her big sister as well as some bad gas as well 

"Okay i think she needs changed" Logan says as he was getting ready to change Caitlyn

Kendall came back into the room with nurses who were going to check Logan and see what was going on with his labor and see what was going on with Mollie right now

"Allie can you go into the hallway for me please?" Kendall asks her 

V & C 

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now