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" AUNT.SON ! UNCLE.SON !" Jackson knocked the front door of Son's family house but there's no respond . He ran to Mark's house and knocked the door .

" Oh ! Jackson , come in " Mr.Tuan said as he opened the door . Mr.Son didn't go to work since today is sunday .

" I will go upstair , Uncle.Tuan ." Mr.Tuan nodded as Jackson run up to the stairs and headed to Mark's room .

" Mark !" Jackson knocked the door .

" Slow down man . And It was hyung not Mark , okay ? " Mark corrected him as he opened the door . Jackson got in Mark's room and sat on the bed .

" I think Wendy left us !" Jackson said . He tried to control his tears that was in his eyes .

" What ! That can't be, she promised us !Tell me everything ." Mark said as he shook Jackson's shoulder .
Jackson took out the letter from his pocket and gave it to Mark . Mark quickly unfold it and read it . His heart was tore into pieces after he read the letter . ( Song recommend : Tiffany's Heartbreak hotel )

Dear Mark and Jackson ,

I think I'm not here anymore when you guys read this letter .

Thank you for everything .

I know you guys can't describe
in one words ' Thank you '.

I hope you guys will miss me and
love me .

I love you guys , too .

Sorry for not telling you guys that I'm leaving . I don't want you guys sad .

Jackson Wang , don't scream or sulk or scoff to the others . I'm sure that I will miss that scream , sulking.

Mark Tuan , this is the first time
I'm calling you by your full name . I will miss you . I will miss everythimg about you . You care everything about me too much .

I don't want to write this letter but I have to .

If you guys miss me , please read this letter and I promise that I will be back soon .

I remembered the first time we met .

I was new student and there's no one beside me . But you two saved me from bullies and start from that we became bestfriends . We hang out together and I realized that I have the best best friend in the world . Just kidding :P .

Okay , This is all for now . I will miss you guys .

We will meet again if the fate is on our side .

Love from the only and one ,
Wendy .

" That's all ? " Mark said as he look at Jackson with his teary eyes . Jackson slowly nodded his head .

" I walked to her house and saw that letter . I think she sticked it on the door . I knocked many times but there's no respond . " Jackson said . Mark can't stand anymore .


" Yah ! Get up now you lazy ass or we will be late !"

" Slow down man , I'm getting up !"

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