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" Are you okay ? " The boy bowed down as he said .

" Are you okay , Ms. ? " The boy asked SeungWan who is looking at him without blinking.

" I I'm fi fine ." SeungWan suddenly became stuttered .

" Are you sure ?" The boy asked .

" Y yes , I am sure ."

Stupid mouth -,- .

" The ball , that is mine ."

" Oh ! Here " SeungWan handed the ball which is holding in her hands to the boy . The boy smiled at her . The smile that can kill almost every girls in school .

Why my heart is beating this fast ?

" Name ? "

" My name ? " SeungWan asked as she pointed herself .

" Yeah , yours . " The boy chuckled at her cuteness .

" My name is Lee SeungWan , you can call me SeungWan if you want . "

" What a cute name . My name is-"

" Yah Shin Wonho ! " His friends called him.

" That's my name , so see you later . Bye Bye . " Wonho walked backward while waving SeungWan and she waved back him .

Mina ran to SeungWan .

" Are you okay ? " SeungWan nodded .
" I still can't believe that you talked to the one of the school heartthrobs . "

" It means he is famous?"

" Yes ! He is a soccer player . Even girls from other schools come to see him ."

" How about Jinyoung's group ?"

" Yeah , they're too . He usually stay quiet . He didn't talk to girls at all . I still can't believe that he talked to you ." SeungWan's face is pink shade .

" Who talk to whom ?"

" Ah that! Wonho talked to SeungWan ."

" Oh ." That's all Jinyoung talk back and there's only the sound of wind blowing.

The bell rang ,
SeungWan and Mina headed to their lockers .
Mina's locker is a little far from SeungWan's like 6 or 7 lockers between them . SeungWan checked her schedules paper .

Physics !

SeungWan sighed as looked at her schedules paper .

" Hey  ." SeungWan turned around and saw Mina .
" Your next class ?"

"  Physics , you ?"

" Biology. Let's go together, I will drop you in front of your class ."

" Wait , I'll take my books ." SeungWan faced her locker and took out her books . And she turned back to Mina . That's not Mina , that was

" Jinyoung ? Where's Mina ? "

" She said she have some books to get in the library so she told me to go the class with u ."

" Are you in Physics class ? " SeungWan  said , a bit of excitement in her voice . Jinyoung shook his head left to right .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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