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Seung Wan saw Mina standing in fornt of the cafeteria , she seems like waiting for someone . She ran to Seung Wan as she saw her .

" Why are you taking so long , Seung Wan-ah ? " Mina asked as she reached at her .

" I'm helping someone . "

" Who ? Is that a cutie boy ? I've never seen a cutie boys beside Youngjae group. "

" Oh ! Your crush group ? " Seung Wan hlaf shouted , loud enough to hear the passers by .

" Shhhh! That's a secret ." Seung Wan laughed a little before nobing .

" Do you have class now ?? Is that okay to show me around ? " Mina shook her head left to right .

" Of course , and guess what I have two free times today ." Mina happily jumped around in front of Seung Wan .

" Good for you . I don't have free times today . " Seung Wan faked a whine .

" Stop whining and Let's go ! " Mina said and grabbed Seung Wan's right hand and ran towards the school garden .

" This is beautiful. " Seung Wan said as she saw tons of flowers in front of her .

" Come here ." Mina said and Seung Wan jogged to her . The two walked into the garden while chatting .

" So the one you help is a boy or boys ? " Mina asked as she eyed Seung Wan with her curious eyes .

" No , a girl . I helped a girl ."

" Oh really ? What's her name ?"

" Mi.... , what's her name ? " Seung Wan asked herself trying to remember the girl name .

" Mihye ? "

" I don't think that's her name. "

" Mi Hyo ? " Seung Wan shook her head .

" Is that Mijoo ? "

" Yeah ,Mijoo ! I helped her . "


" Yeah , why ? "

" Don't mess with Mark or she will tear you apart if you are friend of hers or not ."

" Are you sure ? She seems friendly . "

" At first , I think like that too . As the times goes by , I found her true side . " Mina hesitated at first then she continued ,
" When I first transferred here , I have a crush and it was Mark . He was good-looking , tall , have a family good background , good in sports- " Seung Wan cut Mina off.

" He sure is a perfection." They sit down on the bench near them .

" Yeah , and Mijoo is my first friend here . She's clever , smart , pretty , caring , good at nearly everything but she suddenly changed after she knew I have a crush on Mark . She bullied me everyday like grabbed me by my hair and walked into the cafeteria , pushed me harshly until I fell down and she put the food trays on me and you know what she said ! She said , " Oops , I didn't see u there cause u are a bitchy bitch who is asking for food , right ? " , then she poured down the cold drink on my hair and left me in the cafeteria . You know , everyone brusted out laughing . She did like that everyday to me . After 1 weeks , I think more than one weeks , it's not new for me . One-day , Youngjae saved me from her hand . He protected me if they did something to me. He cares for me , protects me . Start from that day , Youngjae becomes my ultimate crush . "

" Youngjae is sweet . "

" Yes , he is . " Mina giggled .

" So Mark and she is a thing ? " Seung Wan asked .

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