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" Excuse me ?" Mark and Jackson turn back to see who is calling them and it was the girl with dark brown hair , milky white skin and a little chubby .

" Can you show me the way to Canteen ? "She asked awkwardly and she doesn't sound like Korean but her voice , its familiar to them

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" Can you show me the way to Canteen ? "She asked awkwardly and she doesn't sound like Korean but her voice , its familiar to them .

" You can join with us if you don't mind . We are on our way too . " Jackson said . Mark looked at Jackson and sighed . The girl happily nobbed her head and walk beside Jackson .

" So what's your name ? " Jackson asked as he trying to break the ice .

" Lee Seung Wan , you ? "

" My name is Jackson Wang and this is Mark Tuan ."

" Are you guys are originally Korean ? "

" No , I'm a Chinese but I live in Korea since I was young . " Jackson explain , the girl nobbed and he continue .
" Mark , He was American- Taiwanese . He moved to Korea at the age of .. umm .... "
" six ."
" yeah six ! " The girl nobbed and asked.

" So you guys are friend since from the young age ?"

" Actually , we are bestfriend and we have another bestfriend too. She i- "

" That's enough Jackson , please don't bring back the past . " Mark said as he walked into the cafeteria .

" This is cafeteria , bye I have to go . " Jackson said as he wave at the girl and the girl wave back. She walk into the cafeteria and everyone is eating with their group and she is alone . She looked around and luckily , she saw her seat-mate , Myoui Mina who is lining to get food .

" Annyeong-hrseyo , Mina-shi . "

" Annyeon-hrseyo ." She bowed back as Seung Wan bowed her .

" Lining for the food

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" Lining for the food . Do you want to join , Seung Wan-shi ? " The girl nobbed .


" The food here is so delicious !" Seung Wan said and the girl who is sitting across her let out the chuckling sound .

" I will show you around the school after we finished eating , okay ? " Seung Wan happily nobbed and continue her food . Mina looked at the girl in front of her and smiled .

Between Friendship *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now