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Chapter 2

walking down the dry desrt looking road to the cafe for her afternoon shift Serenity starts to day dream about the beautifule place she visits in her dreams with the crisp fresh air blowing across her face and ruffles threw her hair. The beautifule blue sky with one yellow sun. Big trees with green leaves beautifule flowers of all different colors. then serenity is struggling to catch her ballance as a srong arm grabs her and pulls her to his chest then putting his hands over her eyes.

"Happy birth day tiny" says the deep voice she knows all to well. Man that voice runs chills down my body everytime.

"Stop calling me tiny." I yell back at him trying to turn around and glare at him but he moved his hands to my hip and held me in place.

"your  tiny compared to me and i have always called you that.I'm not going to stop now." Replied Derrick turning me around and gazed into his deep dark eyes loosing my self. If he didn't have his arms around me i would have fallen to the floor. "SO what do you have planned for this very special day?"

"Nothing really." I replied in a small voice lowering my gaze.

He lightly put his large hands under my chin and braught my face back up looking into my eyes as if looking  at my soul. I wish he would know how much I have wanted him for years but we have always stayed as friends. I have had to indure him with other girls threw the years hearing about all his player ways whishing he could see me as more then a friend.

"We will go out for dinner just me and you." He replied  huskly looking deep into my eyes. "All pick you up at eight."  lettting go of my face he turned around and walked away. Looking back over his shoulder. "Wear something nice I know the best place to go." Then he turned back around and walked away leaving me standing watching him go.

Later that night I was so nerviouse to go out to dinner with Derrick I know that we have been friends for years and this was just a friend kinda date but a girl can wish. I had dressed in a tight fitting red v neck shirt and a black skirt mid thingh and black pumps. My hair was placed in a messy bun with a few loose hairs around my face. I looked over at my bed and seen that gift that was given to me by my teatcher. I decided that I would open it now before I left for my date.

Sitting down on my bed I grabed the box and unwrapped it and it was a beautifule brown jewlery box with carvings of flowers all over. I opened the lid to reveal a beautifule red gemstone with a gold chain. I decided that Iit matched my dress might as well wear it. Placing it around my neck it hund low and was covered by my shirt. Just being able to see the gold chain.

"Derricks here." yelled my brother.

I walked out of my room grabing my matching red bag and headed down the stairs. their was Derrick at the bottom of the stairs in a pair of black slacks and red polo shirt with his hair done in a spike hair.

"You look breathtaking." He said with a look in his eyes that was gone. I thought i seen lust in his eyes but it was gone and he juat had his normal cocky look.

"You look good yourself." I replied with my cheeks heatting up.

"You ready." he said grabbing for my hand and walking toards the front door.

"Yea lets go."

We were on our way to the resteraunt when their was a huge explosion from the car infront of us. Derrick grabed the stering wheel to swerve the car around it telling me to put my head down. all I could do is stare at the inferno of the car that was just their. He reached his arm and put it on my head and pushed it down so my head was in between my legs. then another exsposion occured but much closer shacking the car. I tried to look up but he still had his hands on my head holding it in place.

"We need to get out of here now." He yelled to no one. Then I heard as if he was pushing alot of buttons.

"Parker here." I hear an unknown voice.

" I think it's happening." Replied Derrick. "

"Is she safe." the voive replied. I had no idea what was going on I was so scared.

" Yes shes fine, but We need help now someone is shooting at us." yelled Derick

"We will send someone now make sure nothing happens to her." The voice replied and you could hear him yelling out orders to someone else to get a team out now.

"Whats going on." I said in a shacky voice still trying to lift my head with explosions going off all around us and I knowdiced that we have stopted on the side of the road.

"Huh." he relased a breath and let go of my head. I looked up at him and for the first time he had no trace of his cockyness it was replaced with a rock hard features like he was chissled from stone. " I will explain once we get to a safe place." He replied not even looking at me. Then something hit the back of the car exploding and taking out the hole back end.

Don't you just love cliff hangers.





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