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Their was commotion all threw out the castle Gondivla. People were running around to collect things needed for the birth. Some were running around town to inform every one about the new arrival to the Royal family. For the princess Ganine was having her first child. Every one was excited for this great day. all but one. The queen valory who has ruled the kingdom for century's.   

"Breath in Breath out"says the midwife in the Princesses chamber Which has a large canopy bed with white flowing drapes over the bed. A vanity in the right corner. a white dresser and painting of the surrounding land scape of the kingdom.

"I'm tyring it hurts so bad" says the princes Ganine with sweat poring down her face. who looks more beautiful then anyone in the kingdom on their best days with her long flowing brown hair, small blue cat eyes and rose red cheeks.

"Push your almost done."  Says the mid wife.

Everything goes quiet and a pear sing scream fills the room. Every one goes quiet and stares at the small child.

"what is it" cries Ganine with fear in her voice. It takes a long minute for the mid wife to look up at Genine will sorrow in her eyes.

"Its's a girl." replies the midwife.

"AAAHHHHHH" screams Ganine

"theirs another one" Says the midwife handing the baby girl to her assistant and bending back to work."Push "

"AAAAAHHHHHH" screams Ganine as the other baby starts screaming filling the room.

"It's a boy" says the mid wife with Joy. She looks up at Ganine to smile and Ganine is staring at the ceiling with clouded eyes. Everything goes quiet at silent tears run down every ones face in the room. Then The midwife takes in a long breath turning to the assistant holding the baby girl in her hands "You must take the girl now and go to the minister. We have already set things up if she would to have a girl now go I will take care of things here."

eighteen Years Later

"Come on were going to be late" Says Serenity Running down her living room stairs grabbing her book bag and running out the front door to a scolding hot suns one blue and one red. Everything around is all dusty and bare. Her hole life she has never liked the way things were. She has always dreamed of a place that was green with the sweet smell of flowers.  Serenity does not look like other people around her either. Everyone else is hard looking with Dark skin, Black hair and black eyes. While serenity is soft pale skin, Blond long hair and small blue cat eyes. When ever she brings it up to her parents they tell her she is special.

"I'm coming" Yells her brother bailing threw the front door. with his backpack in hand. He is Huge compared to Serenity at 7" tall huge mussels dark skin black shoulder length hair and black eyes.

"Took you long enough drake" replies Serenity.

The two walk to school which is just a few block away. It looks like any brick school in its towering side. Serenity is a senior while her younger brother is a junior. Serenity is getting her school books out of her locker for her English class.

" Hey tiny" replies a husky voice.

"Ah don't scare me like that Darrick" Replies serenity turning around facing her best friend since grade school. He is one of the best looking kids in school Just like everyone else he towers over her at 7" 4' dark skin dark hair dark eyes but he has a tint of blue on the outer side if his eyes that make it hard to look away.

"Come on lets head to class" Darrick says slipping an arm over her shoulders.

Just like any day of school it goes by slow and Serenity watches the clock to reach 3pm so she can head to her part time job at the local cafe.  The last bell of the day rang Finaly. Serenity grabs her book bag and heads for the door.

"Miss conder happy birthday" Sayd Mr gander her History teacher who is 7'7" really dark skin almost midnight black with shinning silver hair. silver eyes. He is one of the better looking teacher in school. no one know really how old he is.

"Thanks Mr Gander. I have to head to the cafe all see you Monday" says Serenity turning around to leave.

"Wait I have something for you" Say Mr Gander standing up from behind his desk walking over to the closet door. pulling the door open and reaching to the top shelf and pulling out a box turning back around with it out reached to Serenity.

"thanks" Says Serenity not sure what to think about a gift from her teacher.

"Don't open it up tell later tonight when your by your self. Make sure no one is around OK."says Dr Gander.

"Ok thanks agin" says Serenity putting the box into her Backpack and turning around and going out the door to her locker to put her books away and heads out the schools double doors.

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