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Deddicatted to my firtst fan ASorrells83 thanks for liking my story and a thanks to everyone that has read it hope you all like the story and let me know if I should continue by votting, commenting and fanning.

Thanks love ya




Next thing I know is the car is on fire and Im being pulled threw the drivers door by Darrick. He felt different not like he normally does. He feels like stone Hard and smooth. I look up at him and He looks like a statue.

"We have to find cover tell someone comes to get you." He said threw clenched steeth looking around for a place to run to. where could we go were on the highway nothing is around us. all of a sudden were serounded by abunch of guys in uniforms with guns. they all look rock hard with hard faces.

"Get her out of here." one of them yell at Derrick. are these the ones we were waitting for all around us things were exploding and people running and yelling. All of a sudden I see a young girl running by us yelling for her mom. The first thing thaat came to mind was to get her some place safe. I pulled away from Derrick as he was yelling at the other guys and ran after the little girl. I grabed her and the car next to us exploded I turned to sheild her from the blast. all around us came a glowing red light nothing hit us. I didnt even feel the heat as the fire encircled us. I heard Derrick yell no as I fell to the floor and everything went black.


I woke up groggy forcing my eyes open I took in the white hospital like room. everything comes flodding back to me. I bolt up in bed the first thing comming to mind is if the little girl is ok. I jump out of bed and take in my suroundings. I'm in a small room with just a bed and night stand nothing else. Where could I be. I take small steps toards the only door in the room across from the bed as I reach for the door nob.

"Ow." I say landing on my but from being hit by the door as it swings open. I look up to a very concerned looking Derrick.

"I'm so sorry." Derrick says crouching down scooping me up into his soft warm arms setting me back onto the bed. "are you ok."  he says scanning over my body for any injuries.

"Yes I'm fine care to explain to me what is going on and, is that little girl ok." I say with annoience in my voice looking up at him.

"Yes she is fine she was returned to her mother after the sheild went down. even though you were passed out we could not get close to you." he said as his voice got quieter as if the last part he didn't mean to say out loud looking of in space thinking. He looked me in the eyes and grabed me pulling me into a boan crushing hug repeating over and over" your ok, your ok."

" Are you going to explain what is going on." I yelled at him pulling away glarring at him. Something is going on and I have no idea what. This is sappose to be my birthday and I'm suppose to be out on a date with the my best friend who I wish was more then a friend. Everything was ruined by who ever was blowing things up. Now that I think about how everyone was actting were they after me I thought starring off in space. thinking why would people be after me I have not done anything. Well I have cheatted on a test durring my freshman year but would that be the reason for all this. What about all the innocent people that probably lost their live because of me. I was ranting off in my head when I felt Derrick place his hand on my chin and turned my head to look into my eyes.

"This is not your fault. You can not blame yourself once I explain to you what is going on." He said with sorrow in his voice like he hoped that he didn't ahve to tell me what hes about to. "where do I start?"

"From the begining might help." I reply Just then the door opens and in walks my parents with a concerened look on their faces. I jumped up and ran to my parent engufted into a hug.

"Have you told her anything yet." bellowed my dad who is 6' 4" broad shoulders with midnight black hair and Black eyes. Don't ask who I got my looks from because my mother has dark hair and eyes. Shes alot taller than me at 6'. No one in my family looks anything like me.

"No I have not." replied Derrick

"We will explain over dinner." replied my father turning around and walking out the door.Then my mother gives me an epologetic look and follows him as well. I turn to Derrick and look at him not understanding whats going on.

"Lets go everything will be explained." He says grabing my arm and leadding me out of the room.







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