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Walking out of the room with Derrick pulling me behind him I was so confused with what was going on. I mean what would you think if one minute you were going on a date with your best friend/crush since forever and then your right in the middle of a war zone and to top it off you were the one that these people were after and not to mention that some how you survived an explosion right next to you without a scratch.  Everyone had some explaining to do.

when I was pulled out of  my internal banter I was in a room with a large table with chairs all around with a lot of people that I did not know. My parents were here as well as my brother. looking around at everyone else in the room I noticed everyone was wearing similar clothing plain black loos fitting jeans and the ugliest green shirts like someone pucked all over everyone. then my eyes landed on my teacher Mr. Gander.

"What are you doing her." I yelled looking at mr Gander in wonder does he have something to do with what's going on?

"I'm here to help explain to you whats going on and also going with you when you leave." He said in a calm even voice.

"Ok." I replied then it hit me. "I'm not going anywhere I can't leave school or my friends of family. I'm not going." Folding my arms over each other on my chest I glared at Mr. Gander trying to be intimidating and get my point across that I was not going and I would put up a fight if I had to leave everyone.

"Yes you are it is not safe for you here any more and your journey starts here in getting you back home." Mr Gander replied. "Now can we all sit down so I can explain to you what must be said."

I was so beyond mad now no one can tell me what to do but I plopped down on the chair behind me and kept my arms folded over my chest and glared at my teacher hopping to get this over with and go home. This is the worst birthday ever.


"OK serenity what I'm about to tell you only the people in this room and a few other even know about. Says my teacher looking at me and each person in the room. "You are not your parents daughter.he says and waits for me to react.

"I have kinda figured that out years ago I mean come on I don't even look anything like them." I replied waving my hands at my parents and brother.

"You never mentioned it to us before." says my mother

"I figured my real parents didn't want me and I was happy with you guys that it didn't matter that you were not my biological family I still loved you guys and you guys loved me as well." I smiled in understanding.

"Their is more it's not that your parents didn't want you. Your mother died giving birth and your father does not know you even exist. You were taken by the mid wife and brought to us for protection. You are the right full heir to the throne of Gondivla and future ruler of the surrounding planets even this one." Said Mr. Gander looking at me to say anything. I was so dumbfounded trying to sort threw all this information starring at everyone. then I looked at Derrick.

"You knew this whole time about the truth of who I am?" I asked him feeling betrayed by the one person I always trusted.

"Yes." He replied I was about to yell at him when he held his had up "Let me explain. for your own safety I could not reveal what I knew until the time was right. We were not even planning on telling you this until you found out about your powers and had control over them. We didn't thinks anyone would have found out about you yet."

"Powers what do you mean." I asked

"As soon as your kind become eight teen you come into your powers and each person is different we don't even know what yours is yet. It could be anything. One thing we do know is you are the one the prophecy speaks about because the gemstone reacted when you were in danger and protected you." Derrick said while looking a me gaging how my actions were while he enplaned this all to me.

I couldn't take it anymore I yelled "Is their anything else I should know?"

" You have a twin bother and your grandmother has some how found out about you and has sent people to hunt you down and kill you before the prophacy is fullfilled." say's Derrick looking at me with concern. That is when all of a sudden I closed my eyes and thought of being anywhere else but here.


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