Ouran HighSchool Host Club - The Girl Who Unsilenced Him - Pt2

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Hey guys soooooo sorry this has took me forever to update, i kinda got caught up in school work and other fics but here it is. :)


Ama's pov -

I decided to walk home from Tamaki's since it wasn't very far and plus i wanted to be alone. Who was that lady, i didnt get chance to ask him because she stayed for longer than i thought. She knew about me though and her evil smiled that appeared on her face when she talked about my family sent shivers down my spine. I sighed, well at least its the party tonight ( honey sempi invited me too ). I opened the door and my eyes widened, they were here?!

Yukiko's pov -

I had been invited to Mori-Senpai and Honey-senpai's party tonight and the twins were picking me and Haruhi up to get something nice to wear.

"you cant just wear anything", Hikaru began.

" its going to be formal dress code", Karou finished.

Jeez these guys sure do get to the point.

We arrived at a fancy dress shop, i looked over to Haruhi already feeling out of place.

" guys i dont think i can afford this", i said shyly not wanting to admit what they already know.

" don't worry this is our mothers shop", Karou said smiling.

" we get discount here, will just put the rest on Haruhi's dept", Hikaru gave a evil chuckle.

Haruhi's face dropped, poor her.

I decided to look round the shop by myself, there were so many nice dresses there.

" i dont think any of these will suit me", i muttered to myself.

" sure they will, hey look this ones perfect!", Kaoru said popping his head out of a rack of dresses. I screamed, jumped up in the air and landed on my butt.


" Kaoru you scared the life out of me", i said staring up at him. He laughed to himself, helped me get up and shoved the dress in my face.

"Here", he said with a smile and turned to walk away, " Kyoya-senpai's favourite colour". I felt my cheeks turn brigt red but brushed it off and headed to the changing room.

Molly's pov -

Hmmm what to wear what to wear. Of course i had so many nice outfits but which one was the right one for tonight, which outfit will blow Mori's mind. I gave up after searching for what felt like hours and headed down stairs to ask help from one of my maids for their advice.

Tamaki's pov -

I wished Ama was still here, i could tell she felt uncomfortable with my grandmothers surprise appearance and to be honest so was I.

"You don't want to be dealing with scum like her, her family history is to similar to yours", my grandmother said coldly.

"But surly it doesn't matter someones family background-", i began but my grandmother cut me off.

" of course it does Tamaki! Your life has changed because of your background but i have giving it a second chance, letting you stay here. Chose to disobey me and that can all change", with that she left. Was that all she came her for or was there any other reason. She had let me come here, changed my life but also distorted it keeping my away from my mother. She didn't want me here but i had to be.


Sorry its short but i wanted to post something aha more soon i PROMISE

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