i don't understand your language.

186 13 12
  • Dedicated to my parents

new rant about people on wattpad. this actually applies to so many people.


today's rant on wattpad is kind of weird. it's about the way people speak on here and their profiles that really pisses me off a lot of the time. i'm seperating this into sections because it's quite a lot so here goes.

- language:

no, not text talk and stuff. there are about twenty rants of those and mine's something slightly similar but completely different. what annoys me is the way people speak and type when they're excited or something. it's really annoying, like they're trying to act cool indie or sassy or something. say if there was a fanfic of harry styles they're all like "oMG HARRY STYLES YESYES FEELS". when i first started on the internet, basically, i had no idea what was going on. i actually saw this girl saying to this other girl: "yOU LIVE IN MY FAVE COUNTRY OMG NO FUCK OFF OMGOMG I HATE YOU RIGHT NOW BC I LOVE YOU JS". there are those kind of people that rant about grammar but then they're all like "uM MY bABY WHERE R U GET ONLINE OMF". i may be physically brain dead or mentally retarted but this language is just weird. if people spoke like this in real life i'd be dead because it's just not fucking normal. you may think you're cool saying it but there are actual twelve year olds that could be on this site, completely confused about what you're even saying.

- grunge/indie/hipster accounts:

i hate those accounts with repetitive lowercase biographies or lowercase stories. i'll sound hypocritical because this is written in lowercase but it's a fucking rant book not like this will actually even get published or anything. also my bio is written in lowercase but that is about fucking it. ok anyway? there's always an account with a completely ridiculous username that makes no sense and an icon of some shit singer or someone from a tv show. ("but val your icon is lana del rey." "actually lana del rey is fucking awesome so shut the fuck up.") their stories are always something like love in a coffee shop or some indie girl that loves flower crowns who meets this boy who is totally in love with her but she's a mystery. shut. up. please. i don't even get why people would do this here because if you did it in real life you'd look like a joke. sorry to pop your parade but in my opinion i wouldn't walk round like a complete lunatic let loose. sorry. not. sorry. 

- the obsessed accounts:

i respect everyone has their obsessions but oh my GOD. the amount of accounts i see fangirling over harry styles and talking about their otp's and how perfect some certain celebrity is. i have no words except they need to sort their priorities out. it honestly disgusts me how people can write dirty fanfictions or just dark fanfictions about any celebrity. this is going to sound rude but upon joining wattpad i don't even like one direction anymore. i liked them a lot better when they were new and fresh with no tattoos and their catchy songs. i don't mind their songs but the way people say they're maturing. one, have you seen your own fanfictions about one direction? two, maturing? if you want to see an example of maturing look at miley fucking cyrus. yeah. she's totally maturing, right?

- the snobby accounts:

the people who can't handle critiscism. the people who are rude to you. the people that have like 80 followers but are following two people. no words for you but you're just rude.

OFFENCE INTENDED: sorry but if you act like this in real life? you'd get punched in the face, kicked in the arse or thrown in a ditch. "js," as the grunge people quote.

all in all, the people i respect on here are the people who may speak in lowercase but don't act rude, grunge, and are even possibly following more people than the amount of their followers. sometimes wattpad is just a complete warzone sometimes. like all anyone ever cares about is their popularity and their votes and comments and graphic designs.

don't get me wrong, i love graphic designs but i don't get why people just have to deny certain people because they don't double space their form, they don't put in a password. it is manners and it is so people can make sure people have read the rules, but why can't you just give people covers? there are people out there that really would want to become writers but could have just been denied fifty times because they "didn't double space their form", "didn't put in the password," "didn't tag their designer," "request whored."

request whoring is bad but god. some person who was request whored said they cried when they found out. no offence but you really shouldn't be crying because of a website where people put their fictional stories. i'm not afraid to say i've request whored before. it was when i was a noob but i think designers need to know how it feels to be blown up at.  i was critiscized at at about fifty people. i don't think any of them got that they were: one, being rude, and two, didn't realise that at the time i didn't even know what request whoring was.

i don't think just because someone does something wrong you don't give them a banner or a cover. no offence but you don't even know how old they are. they could be a nine year old, completely new to wattpad, desperate to make a cover and requesting from multiple people. what if they wanted to use one of the banners/covers as a future cover, or a banner for another chapter? have you ever, ever thought of that? no.

and my hands hurt now. dedicated to my parents i'm not sure why.

enjoy the fabby jennifer lawrence gif at the side. that was kind of what i was like when i joined wattpad.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo gossip girl

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