Chapter Five: School

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Marinette woke up the next morning with Chat flopped across her legs, slightly purring as he slept quietly.

"Chat," the fashionista groaned, nudging the boy on the shoulder. "Get off of me, I have to go to school!"

Her words, though sounding normal enough, hid the hesitance that had latched onto her mind after last night. It was truly a wonder how at this point Marinette wasn't reduced to a stammering, blushing mess.

Questions had been asked. Answers had been, although almost unwillingly, given. Blushes had been shared, stammering inevitable.

It was a relief that when he had been a feline, Chat was a gentleman and respected Marinette's... ahem, privacy.

Waking up with a purring snort, the sound muffled by blankets, Chat simply rolled over and ignored Marinette's hard jabs in his side. She rolled her eyes and nudged the blonde again, both exasperated and agitated.

"Let me sleep, woman," he groaned, nestling himself further into the comforters.

That was her breaking point.

"Get up!" she yelled, shoving him hard from behind. Unfortunately she didn't realize how much force she had put behind her hands because he tumbled down and onto the floor, startled out of his sleep, and hissing at her in retaliation.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to knock you off, but we both have to wake up," Marinette said, climbing onto the floor. She moved over to her dresser, picking out her clothes and brushing her hair. "I have to go to school soon which means I need you to be awake."

Chat Noir's black ears perked up when she mentioned school, his eyes filling with hope. "School?" he asked apprehensively, his lips curling into a smile.

"Yes, school," Marinette replied, washing her face in her vanity. "You know, where adolescent human beings go to learn shit?"

"First of all, Mari, language. And second, can I go with you?" Chat asked hopefully, padding over to her chaise.

Marinette's face took on a weary expression, and she wordlessly walked into her bathroom, turning on her shower.

Chat waited patiently outside, staring at the pictures plastered across her walls, filled with family and friends. He felt a warmth fill his heart when he examined a selfie of Marinette and him in his cat form.

She was smiling widely, blue eyes sparkling, face lit up with happiness as his small feline body was squeezed into her hug, fitting him in the picture.

"I'm back," Marinette announced, fully dressed, silky blue hair damp. She slipped on her shoes and strapped her bag across her shoulder when Chat spoke again.

"Can I go to school too, Princess? Pretty please?" he asked, black tail twitching hopefully. He gave her a hopeful grin and Marinette's heart did a flop in her chest.

"I'm sorry, Chaton," she apologized, turning around to look at him with sad eyes. "I don't think you can go just yet, with your whole... that." She gestured to his tail and cat ears, her expression apologetic.

"Oh." Chat felt his ears droop slightly. "Right." He looked down at the floor as his heart grew heavy. He just wanted to spend some quality time with her and possibly even get to know her a little better, like learn about what she does outside of home.

"Maybe another time, Chat," Marinette assured, slinging her backpack over her shoulders. She made her way to the trapdoor, feet shuffling slowly.

As she climbed down, she offered a smile to him, causing for his heart to pound wildly in his chest. "Have a good day, Chat Noir. I'll be back soon, yeah? Bye."

The trapdoor creaked shut and Chat smiled at the already fleeting memory of her smile. His gaze softened, and he stared off into space, face dark with a wistful expression.

"Have a good day, my lady."

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