Chapter Nine: Reconcile

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Her parents had come home the day after her fallout with Chat Noir.

Marinette's days became bleak and gray, an endless routine that served her no happiness.

Her grades started to plummet, her shoulders sagging, her mind slipping into depression. She started to skip meals, and she avoided talking to anyone, even Alya.

She holed herself up in her room whenever she could, doing nothing except sleeping all day and roaming the internet aimlessly.

And if this wasn't enough, Marinette's parents grew even more worried when they noticed there daughter had stopped coming out of her room altogether.

She just couldn't get it together, no matter how much she tried. She honestly tried to move on, to forget, but the guilt was eating away at her very soul.

Marinette didn't think she could take the madness much longer.

Her heart ached.

Her head ached.

Her stomach ached. She really hadn't eaten in a while.

Her whole body ached, soaked in exhaustion and cloaked in delirium. She would dream of his smile. She would fantasize of his flirting. She would wish for him to appear and kiss her again. She would hope that he would show up at her door. She prayed he would come back to her.

A week passed. She was still alone. She was sad. Depressed. Bleak. Utterly lost.

Another week passed. Her skin became pale. Her frown was permanently stitched into her face. She became thin and frail. Worry lines etched themselves into her brow. She was constantly praying for his safety and well-being, wherever he was. Her parents were beyond worried at this point.

Another week passed. She missed him. She longed for his smile. She yearned for his laugh. She begged the high heavens above to be able to run her fingers through his silky golden hair once more. She lusted after his sweet words. She wanted his affection. She needed his warmth. She cried for his glittering green eyes.

Another week passed. He had been gone for three weeks total. Three weeks of pain and agony. Three weeks of tears and sobbing and choking on emotion.

But then, it just so happened...

The doorbell chimed happily, despite Marinette's wounded state. Her parents weren't home, so she dragged herself over the front door and slowly unlocked it, fingers moving aimlessly.

She twisted the knob, cracking open the mahogany door just a bit.

A single tear slid down her cheek. She choked on her own air.

Chat coughed nervously, his eyes sad, posture drooping. "Hello again, Marinette."

She hoped that he would show up at her door.

And show up he did.

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