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Oya oya! Hello, everyone! Ne~ did ya miss me? Yerp, it's me, Alpaca! I was rereading some of the comments on this story-

*to feed my ego*

-and I had a little idea! Remember chapter eight, everyone? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Who remembers that little voice inside Mari's head?

Welp, I was thinking, and here ya go! A little extra featuring that special little voice... Enjoy!






The emerald-eyed blonde sat up from the couch, rubbing his cheek groggily.

He blinked.

He heard a screech.

Marinette came barreling down the stairs, still screaming. Flopping onto his chest, Marinette continued to scream and tug at her dark midnight hair, yelling about "the voice".

"Mari, Mari, calm down! What's wrong!?" Adrien exclaimed, frantic and worried. After all, his girlfriend was currently screaming about a voice inside her head. Who wouldn't panic?

"It's- It's in my head! It keeps talking to me, and it won't stop! Get it out, Adrien, get it out!"

The blonde raised his hands in defeat. "I dunno what to do! What do you want?"

"Get rid of it, dumbass! Do anything, I swear, anything to make it go away!"

The emerald-eyed boy pushed the bluenette off his chest, sitting up in the process.

"Well... What's it saying?"

A heavy blush made it's way across Marinette's face.

"It... It's saying that it wants us to get married."

Adrien felt his cheeks flare a fire truck red. He could feel them burn.



I'm sorry.

"D-did it... Did it say anything else?" Adrien whispered, cupping Marinette's cheek with one hand.

She could feel the cool metal of his promise ring, the one she had given to him, press into her skin.

She gulped, twiddling her fingers.

Her voice dropped to a whisper.

"W-well, it said... It said it wants us to have 27 cute neko children."


"See? I want it out of my head."

"Does it have a name?"

"It calls itself 'The Fandom," Mari explained.

Adrien's expression twisted into one of confusion. "What kinda name is that?"

Marinette threw her arms up in protest, saying, "I don't know! I just want it to go away!"

Adrien tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Just ask it to leave. But ask nicely."

Marinette thought this over. "Okay, I'll try."

She then squeezed her cerulean eyes shut, eyebrows creased as she tried to talk with The Fandom.

Adrien waited peacefully.

Suddenly, Marinette opened her eyes, which were shining. "Great news, Adrien! It said it'll leave me alone!"

The blonde smiled. "Great! Because I'm not going to kiss you when you have voice in your head."



Marinette blushed again, slapping her petite hands over her cheeks in embarrassment. "The Fandom said it has some requirements before it leaves."

"Oh boy. Well, what were the requirements?"

"It said it want us to promise to have cute neko children and it wants us to kiss."

"I'm not going to promise that."


"Fine, fine!" Scooting closer to Marinette, Adrien cupped her cheek and leaned in slowly, catching the bluenette in a soft kiss.

After a moment, he pulled away. "Okay, it has to leave now."

Marinette pouted. "It said it wants to hear the promise."

"Mari, as much as I love you, I am not promising that. The Fandom-voice-thingy is a sinful bastard."

"Adrien, it said its 'a sinner and proud, and it still wants the promise.'"





"Fine!" The blonde threw up is hands. "We promise to have 26 cute neko children."


"Yea yea. Will it leave now?"

"It said goodbye."

"Okay. Goodbye voice."

"Thanks for that, Adrien."

"No problem, Princess. I love you."

"I love you too, stupid cat."

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