Chapter Ten: Wishes

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"C-Chat Noir?"

The boy stared at her, a baffled expression dominating his flawless features.

He slowly lifted a hand to his face, examining every inch of tan skin carefully. His emerald eyes–eyes exactly identical to those that belong to Chat–prodded his appearance, questioning his existence.

His befuddled expression slowly dimmed and was replaced by an eagerness, an eagerness that pooled behind his glossy eyes.


The way he said her name sent shivers down her spine.

"Marinette, it's me..."

The sound of her name was tart on his tongue, the taste pleasing. He liked her name. He liked it very much.

"Lord, Marinette, I can't believe this."

Her back became rigid, and the bluenette forced her gaze on the shaggy carpet curling beneath her toes.

"Marinette, look at me."

His gaze was hot against her porcelain skin. Her delicate fingers twitched at his honey-rich tone, at the way his words rolled effortlessly off his tongue in such a manner.

She looked at him.

Her crystal gaze smothered him in hope.

He stood.

"It's me, Princess," he murmured, his words hushed. Her eyebrow quirked up, question slipping into her mind. Slowly, she lifted a hand to his face, palm softly cupping his cheek as she examined him closer.

But seriously, how could she ever doubt this was him? Same eyes, same hair, same body, same beautiful, smooth voice.

"I believe you," she said softly, leaning closer. "This is so strange and unexpected , but Lord do I believe you."

Silence. Utter silence.

"So, what's your real name?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're real name, Chat Noir. You can't go out and expect people to know you as 'Black Cat'."

He thought for a moment. He supposed she was right...

"How about Adrien?"

The golden-haired boy perked at her suggestion, his lips twitching upwards in a smile. "It sounds nice," he offered, directing his smile at Marinette.

She approached him, a happy smile gracing her features, and she giggled. "Adrien. Adrien Agreste. Sounds good."

"Hmph. I always thought I'd be Adrien Dupain-Cheng."

"A-Adrien! We couldn't possibly– we're teenagers!"

"I was joking, Mari."

A wave of relief waded over the girl, and she forced resell to wear a falsetto grimace. "Jerk."

"Aww, now that ain't very nice, is it?" Adrien asked, hooking an arm around the bluenette's waist. He slowly pulled her closer, her cheeks flushed, expression bashful and adorable.


"I'm your–"

"Cut the cheesiness and just kiss me, would you?"

Adrien smiled, his eyes glimmering with happiness, as his hands locked around Marinette's waist, successfully gluing her to his chest.

He dipped his head, his signature smirk evident in his face, and he breathed;

"As you wish, My Lady."

And indeed, her wishes were fulfilled.

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