The True Lab

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Frisk P.O.V

Papyrus' body was motionless in my arms. I was scared but happy at the same time. I was happy because Papyrus wasn't turning to dust. I wonder what would happen if...  I shook the thought out of my head. Chara was still trying to control my thoughts. I was brought back to reality by something shifting in my back pocket. My phone. I hesitated for a while but slowly took my phone out of my pocket. I stopped shivering and immediatly called Alphys.

Surprisingly, Alphys was the first one to talk. "Hiya! Dr. Alphys speaking." I tried to say something but all that came out were a few squeaks. "Frisk? O-oh my god! W-what happened?" I gulped. "J-just come over to Snowdin and b-bring something to help c-carry someone." There was silence until Alphys agreed. "O-ok. B-but you HAVE to tell me w-what happened when I get there." Alphys mumbled something and ended the call.

"Ok Frisk! What happened- O-o-oh my g-god! W-what happened? W-where's Sans?!" I giggled a little and got off of the cold snow. "I-it's kind of a long story... I could tell you on the way to the lab if you want." Alphys shivered a little from the cold and set down a stretcher. "S-so this is w-what you needed it for..." I decided to help put Papyrus on the stretcher. After we were done, we started the long journey to Alphys' lab.

"S-so Frisk. What happened? I'm ready for a-any long stories you have." I walked in silence for a while. I took a deep breath and started talking. I told her everything I could but obviously left out the part about Papyrus' alcohol problem. I wasn't paying attention much and noticed that I was tearing up by the end of my story. Alphys looked at me with heart warming eyes. She gently put down the stretcher and hugged me. Even though i need someone with me, I couldn't get myself to hug back.

"Sorry if the place is a little m-messy. I wasn't e-expecting anyone to come h-here." I followed Alphys but didn't know where we were going. "Hey Alphys, where are we going? Do you have a special room for patients?" Alphys smiled. "Y-yes! I like to call it the True Lab" We stopped at a door which was presumably the bathroom. "I thought this was the... bathroom?" On the other side of the door was an elevator. Alphys hit a few buttons on the elevator as we went down to her True Lab.

*Play song*

As we walked through the True Lab, I became increasingly worried. I played with my thumbs for a moment then continued walking. Soon, we stopped in a room full of beds. Alphys walked to the first bed in front of us and shivered. She whispered something to herself as she wiped white goop off of the dirty mattress. "Alphys, what's that stuff?" Alphys jumped at my question. "N-n-nothing! J-just something I w-was working on. Y-yeah!" I could tell she was lying and just didn't want to talk about it. After wiping more dust off of the bed, Alphys laid Papyrus' body on it. Something bad is going to happen. I know it. Just give up Frisk. JUST RESET. Chara's voice echoed in my mind. I snapped back to reality just as Alphys spoke to me. "I-I'm going to have to do a few things to h-help Papyrus. I-If you don't mind, I think it's better for you to s-stay outside and do something else. I-I'll call you when he is conscious again." I sighed and looked at Papyrus. "Sleep well, Papyrus." I said as I walked out of Alphys' lab.

(609 words... I really didn't expect this part to take so long but oh well. I'm hoping to make another part whenever I can. Thanks for reading!)

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