Chapter 5

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Splashes of color have drained from the sky and in its place is complete darkness. Stars twinkle above and the moon is complete. Beacons of its light shine into the orphanage lovingly, it warms my skin. 

Ripples of music are being reflected from the movement in my fingers. The piano is loud and the sounds echo in the room; over the years I've learned piano quite well since no sleep for five days. Most of the spirits are out on the island, the shore, or in trees. Only Bailey, Boo, Samuel, and I are in the mansion living room. One older spirit that no one really talk with, she's older than any spirit I've met so far; she sits in the attic. No one is to bother her, not even I. We have no idea what she was doing on the island in the first place. 

My voice is just in melody with the alto keys while words spill out my mouth. I stop five minutes in- noises have come into my ears. Voices that were extremely loud. Now, I usually need to go out and shush them up. Nighttime is my peaceful, no-loud-noises-time. I excuse myself from the piano and look at Samuel. "I'm going to go tell them to be quiet." 

He looks at me for a moment, flickers his eyes around the room, and then nods. "I'm going to sit in with the younger children." he states; his eyes haven't lost the absent stare but I know he'll get over this worry when I return safely in the next twenty minutes. 

"I'll go with you if that's okay...?" Bailey asks as he stands up, his mid-length, brown hair fully in his eyes. 

I offer him a warm smile while replying, "That would be nice. Thank you." And so, I crawl from the broken window that is our entrance with Bailey keeping easy pace. 

Bitter cold gives my skin goosebumps so I practically run through the vegetation. Thunder rings out in the calm air and I immediately slow. The younger child spirits hate thunder, they don't like any loud noises really. Maybe they've gotten over it for this game? I ask myself, my eyes screwing up. Another boom strikes into my ears and I flinch out of thought. 

Glancing at Bailey, I can tell he's confused as well. He shakes his head and speaks in a low voice. "Let's just find them and go back to playing; I love hearing you play, Alice." he gives me a shy smile before staring down at his bare feet. 

This gets me into thought as we go on through bushes. Ever since I arrived here, Bailey has grown to love me. He's much more than a close friend and we act like lovers when we're alone. It's all an emotional relationship though since I obviously can't feel his touch. That doesn't stop any of this, though. He is still my Bailey. 

"God damn! How can anyone go through here?" A voice, not childish as was expecting, yells out.

It makes me come back to reality and I realize we haven't seen one spirit. Bailey gasps. "Oh my goddess." he whispers, pulling on my bicep. I step behind a tree then climb into its mess of branches. "I knew I felt all these emotions for some reason!"

I glare wide-eyed at him. "What? What emotions?" I go to shake him but my fingers slice right through his shoulders. "What are you talking about?"  

"All day today I felt a mix of emotions. I thought it was just you or some ship-wrecked sailors on the other part of the island... I guess they were closer than I thought." His wide eyes show me he truly meant no harm. 

"That's because no one has ever been here before, loser!" Another voice, male, shouts. 

A dark feeling creeps through my muscles to paralyze me. Are these living people or spirits? Should I go out and greet them? Something, a voice in my head, screams no, but I believe I should. Slowly, I unparalyze myself. It shouldn't be now, however, I say inwardly, later. Tomorrow morning, when Samuel is off to watch the sun rise over our island, I will then leave. I'll ask Bailey to accompany. 

"Bailey," I whisper uncertainly. "What would they be doing here?" His stare is restlessly pouring into my soul as he catches onto my fright. 

"I have no idea. No one has come here for more than anyone can remember. They're alive...aren't they?" His hand covers mine, and with it, a pressure of fear. 

"I think so." I reply, breaking our gaze and looking below. I listen hard at the rustling that is now starting to fade away. 

Someone yells loudly from afar and then three, large men come into my vision. Immediately, their aura shines bright into my eyes, and since I'm not expecting it, I jump from surprise. 

"Did you hear that?" One asks, his voice is almost soundless but throaty like Samuel's; my breath hitches. 

They mustn't find me here! I've no idea what they'll do... they wouldn't harm me since I'm a woman but still.

Bailey's pressure comes off. "I'm going to go see what they are, okay? I'll come back to the mansion...soon." 

I widen my eyes at him and shake my head. 'Please,' I mouth to him. 

"Yeah, moron, that was chief telling us ta' go back!" I hear someone say something but it's muffled. Rustling of leaves comes closer and as I observe the men I see, I find that they're grimy from dirt, like they have been walking and fell quite a few times. Each of them holds some sort of enlongated pistol...I think Samuel said it was a rifle? Yeah...well, anyways, their hair is all cut very short, all dark except one blonde. They're tall. 

As they disappear, I exhale and suck in another breath so I can breathe normally. "Bailey, please don't. What if they see you?" I ask, my fingers entangling in themselves. 

"Alice, I'm dead. They can't see me like you can." His lips are now bitten by his own teeth. 

"Be back by dawn, or come find me. I'll need your guidance for I'm going to see why they are here." 

"Samuel won't like that." 

"He won't know." I raise my eyebrows, challengingly, at the boy across. 

Bailey nods solemnly. "So tonight?"


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