Chapter 6

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It's almost dawn, I think to myself; where is Bailey? You'll have to go without him, a voice say in the back of my mind. I nod and look at the blasted hole in the ceiling. The starts are starting to disappear and the sky is starting to turn purple. Samuel left only ten minutes ago for his usual spot in a tree, about five miles from the mansion. I've decided we would break another window, go to the shores the back way, and start our search from there. 

Five minutes later, the sky is getting brighter, and I get up to leave. I'll just meet Bailey there, he'll know where I am. I slowly walk down the decrepit stairs and to the back door. I find Boo, surprisingly, at the piano. His head is down but his eyes are wide open. 

"Boo, what are you doing out here so early?" I ask. 

His head rises immediately and he looks at me. His eyes are a dark red shade and I almost immediately get a horrid feeling in my throat. Bile rises from my stomach and into my throat. I haven't eaten since I was five... this is odd. Back to the red eyes, I instinctively move backward. "I'll leave you to it then." I whip around, kick in the back window, and split. I sprint as fast as my legs can carry me through the messy path. I slip only once as it did rain last night. I get to the shores only fifteen minutes later. 

"Now we wait." I whisper to hear my own voice. The nauseousness is still soaking my innards and as I sit in the cold sand, watching black waves, I start thinking about what just happened. Boo? My lovely, little friend since forever ago. Before I even got to the island. What Why were his eyes so furious? Rigid...

A stone is thrown at my feet and I throw myself onto my feet, ready to fight. Crouched down low, I find that it's only Bailey. But how did he throw that? I screw up my eyes and stare at him. 

"Hey," he smiles. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"How did you pick that up?" I ask, beating around the bush.

"Oh, I'll get to that in a minute!" His voice is excited. "So," he starts off on a long ranted explanation. "I followed those guys, whose names are completely unimportant to this. Anyway, I followed them for a long time. They fell a lot so it was a slow return. But when they did, wow. It's It's not fashioned like we are at all. They all wear white and they came from this big aircraft thing that they call a 'jet?' It's so enticing! The objects they have in the jet are weightless. I snatched a stone!" His smile is sun splitting bright.

"Okay..." I take a breath. That's not at all what I was expecting. I have to exhale slowly for I'm starting to hyperventilate. "Did they see you?"

"Nope. It was like I was invisible." he winks. 

"Why are you so happy?" I ask abruptly, annoyance flood through my veins. "These people are in our home and you're excited about what they're doing here? They could find the mansion and destroy it. Where would all those spirits go if that's the case?" 

His twinkling eyes dull as they drop to the ground. "I-I'm sorry. It was...just new. We've been with you for so long that seeing someone else is fascinating.." He takes an audible breath. "I am sorry, Alice, I did not mean to upset you." 

By now, the sun is starting to rise over the water, creeping through the sky. I sigh. "it's okay, sorry. This is all very overwhelming already... Which way to the j-jet." I stutter, and take another huge breath. 

Boo is off of my mind, far from where my mind wanders now. We are moving quickly by the oceans view, just inside the vegetation of long, grassy meadows. Heat warms my bare back and continues to for another ten to twenty minutes. 

I'm absolutely stunned by what I see. People, everywhere. Marching in straight line into and exiting out of this large, metal rectangle. It has wings on both sides but they're straight as a board. I widen my eyes. This is huge! Is this the jet? I glance at Bailey who is smiling at me.

I hear Maivis' voice softly at the back of my mind. Be careful, Alice.. It's soft but I hear it loud and clear. 

Maybe I should not be here? Should I leave this alone? And if I do leave it alone, will I never get this chance again? Perhaps I should call for Samuel.

"Let's go, Alice." Bailey states excitedly. 

I glance around slowly. No one has noticed us yet. Gradually, I lead Bailey out into the open. As I walk through empty space, I realize that no one even sees me. Not one glance.. I quickly make my way to the opening ahead. My feet scramble forward. 

Bailey's voice is pulled from my hearing and when I look around to see him, instead I find a very large person. They're one of the people in white uniform. He or she towers over me. Nervousness shoots through my spine and I do exactly what I did earlier when confronted with Boo's blood red eyes. I turn and run. 

Faster, I yell inwardly. I get to the opening quickly because of how fast a runner I am, but by now a loud ringing noise has sounded. I've no idea what it is but I'm quite sure it's because of me. 

The inside of the jet is metal. Furniture that looks soft is everywhere, spread around this hefty room. On the right is spiraling stairs, so I pick that as my escape and climb them. My bare feet make soft thumps, rhythmically echoing. 

My heartbeat is too fast and pierces my eardrums for silence has followed when I ran up the stairs. It seems as though they have forgotten of my appearance already. I grin to myself. 

"That was close." I whisper to Bailey, who has just appeared in front of me. 

"It's odd, Alice..." he trails off, his eyes hold a strange aura. It's completely grey. "It was like..they were trying to find you but as soon as you climbed the stairs, they went back to marching. Isn't that weird?" 

I nod. "Can you go get Samuel? I think he should see this for himself so he can help figure what we need to do." I continue when Bailey gives me an uneasy look. "I'll be okay, Bails. I think that I will stick around here, maybe see what I can find in this room." 

Bailey nods but doesn't seem convinced. "I'll be back in five minutes." he states before dissolving. 

Alone now, I stare around the room. It's almost empty except for a wooden desk across the room. It's very old, I can tell, from the aroma of dead wood it gives off. It's dim in this room and it sort of messes with my vision. 

Haltingly, I arrange one foot in front of the other until I'm right in front of the elder desk. The wood is completely smooth underneath my fingertips as I spread my palm over the surface. "Wow," I say underneath my breath. "Beautiful." 

"Isn't it?" A hazy voice, obviously male, says through the air. 

I scream out of surprise and whip around. I crouch down low, my ears pealed for more sounds. "Who are you?" 

This man doesn't have a white uniform, he's in a black tuxedo. His blonde hair is shaved and he has a go-T. Ink is spiralled up his neck, the tops of his hands, a quite a bit of his face. Eyes like a snake, they're an icy grey/blue liquidation. They are furiously curious. "I shall ask you the same, young woman. What is your name?" 

"Answer me first and I'll reply with my own name." I state, not getting out of my crouch position. 

He smiles, a white gleaming, deadly grin. "I am David." A dark chuckle sounds from his open, pale lips.

David... Suddenly, his aura is bright and I can tell he is untrustworthy. "I change my mind, I will not tell you my name." 

David's eyes narrow as a frown sets into his face. His bushy yet fine-shaped eyebrows knit together. "Why not?"

"I don't like you." 

"Already? Well, it doesn't matter if you like me or not." In a swift movement, he's in front of me and holding some sort of rag to my nose. 

I inhale a vanilla scent and immediately get tired. My thoughts scramble for an answer but I can feel my body drifting away. I fight it. I fight the sensation with every ounce of strength I withhold but it doesn't work. I feel my knees collide with the floor conjointly with my collarbone. My eyesight is getting fuzzy quickly, but before I lose it completely, I find that Bailey and Samuel have returned. 

Samuel's eyes hold shaking fear. 

Darkness swallows me up.

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