Age Ain't Nothing But A Number

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Kaitlyn tried her best to avoid school the next day.but her mom wouldn't budge after sitting on her bed thinking with her shirt halfway on she decided to get out of her daze and see what was gonna happen when she got to school.

When she arrived to school as usual Aj and Dean where inside eachother's throats Kaitlyn just rolled her eyes and turned the corner only to walk slowly and alone to her class which was in another 15 minutes she didn't want to look lonely or stupid so she took out her phone and got on twitter and scrolled through the feed only to see Aj going on an on about dean

I love my boyfriend dean<3

Aww he gave me his jacket smells so good

Back off lady's Dean Ambrose is Miiiiiine <3 0_o

Oh please honey

Kaitlyn shoved her hands in her tight jean pockets as she got closer to her class she tried to walk slower but knew it wouldn't make a difference because she was already in front of the door

Seth came around the corner with his head looking into his phone kaitlyn turned around quickly and started fast pacing down the hall Seth looked up and saw her walking he laughed to himself and walked into the class before the bell rung to cherish the 7 minutes of silence


Kaitlyn slid into the class as she was the last one to walk in she had her hood over her head and slid to her seat "Pick up your Feet!"Tamina yelled at her she rolled her eyes and slouched in her chair

She sat in the front row facing Seth know how could you avoid him.he lifted his head up from the desk and walked around the class with a blue bin as he said "Drop your phones in" everybody groaned and refused but Seth gave them a look and they did as told immediately he made his way over to Zack as he dropped his phone his Ipad his Ipod and his headphones in then gave Seth a thumbs up he just shook his head and then passed by Aj's desk kaitlyn knew she saw her earlier with Dean , Dean's not a very good kid he could get Aj caught up in a lot of trouble Kaitlyn dropped her head on her desk immediately

Seth made his way to her he smiled and shook the basket for her respond to his request she took her phone out of her pocket and put it in the bin as her head still layed on the desk.he held in his laugh again and made his way back to his desk

"Umm may i ask why did you take our phones" Tamina asked as she set her foot up on the desk Seth made his way over t her desk and said.

"Because i can" he pushed her feet off the desk.


The bell rung and everyone made their way out to the door followed by kaitlyn "trying to avoid me are ya" he said as he fixed the stack of printing paper in his hand kaitlyn turned around slowly.

"What makes you think that" she replied as she turned around "Maybe because your hiding your face with your hoodie" kaitlyn straightened her hoodie and sighed clutching her book bag.

"Besides that memory is never gonna go away when you want it to" he confessed "I don't want it to go away...i-i want to -" Seth chuckled and said

"Don't worry about it it's not your fault I was just stupid" he said again "VERY no idea what i was thinking I mean your 4 years older than me" she said leaning against the door.

"Age ain't nothing but a number sweetie" he changed his mind as he found her attractive he looked down at her pale face she began to sweat and felt her stomach drop when he kissed her he licked her bottom lip for access she pulled away then looked to the ground for a quick moment to peck him back on the lips then leave like nothing happened.


Kaitlyn took her house key out and unlocked it to see her little brothers standing on top of the stairwell her little brother Jace pointed to their mom who sat in the middle of her room with her arms crossed.

"Ryan,Jace room NOW!" this wasn't good kaitlyn tried to figure out what she did Jace ran upstairs as Ryan stayed in his position snickering at his sight

"Mom wh-"

"Kaitlyn now is not the time to talk because you have SOME DAMN SURE EXPLAINING TO DO!"Kailtyn knew she was in for it but still didn't figure out what she did.

"What did i do-"


She pulled out Ryan's blue phone as kaitlyn knew he had something to do with this she took it out of her mother's hands and looked at the video of her getting out of Seth's car she didn't know what to say.

"M-Mmom i.." her mom looked her as on the inside she was blazing.

"Sneaking out of the house kait seriously and by the date of this video it was on your birthday and you came home at 12 at night i don't care 18 OR NOT ...your grounded that's all i gotta say" she said as she walked into the kitchen tears drawing down Kaitlyn's face.

"For how long?" she asked "UNTIL YOU GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL FOR ALL I CARE" she yelled from the other room.

Kaitlyn ran upstairs passing derrick as he said "you alright Kaity she turned around as he was the cause of all of this.

"AM I OK? YOU LITTLE TWERP I HATE YOU WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME WHAT DID I DO YOU HUH RYAN GOSH SOMETIMES I JUST WISH I WAS AN ONLY CHILD...JUST LEAVE ME ALONE RYAN" kaitlyn ran up to her room and slammed the door as Ryan took her harsh words he thought about what he did.

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