II: I Hate Feelings

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"There we go with your mixed signals and my over thinking"


I got home from a very stressful day at school. That Eliza girl gave me mixed feelings. Not only that, but she took my books. Now I had to get up early to get them. When I opened the door I informed my foster mom of my presence, "Mama Dichen, I'm home." I shouted.

"I'm in the kitchen, you don't need to shout." I walked into the kitchen and smelled food being cooked. "How was school?"

"Frustrating and confusing. Not to mention, I still have no friends. I'm fine though, I don't need friends. School is number one priority." I said going to the refrigerator to get something to drink. I sat down at the island with only three books and my notebooks. I grumble in frustration.

"I thought Ricky was a friend." She said without true knowledge that he hung with the group that made fun of me the most. Dichen turned around to look at me in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"There's a new girl at school, she doesn't even know me and out of the blue she just started picking on me." Then I took a textbook and the notebook for that subject and started doing homework.

"Three textbooks, I thought you always brought home five." She was even more confused.

Should I tell her what really happened, "I... uh, didn't need those two today." I tried to give her a convincing smile, but it didn't work. She gave me her signature "don't you dare lie to me" look. Her hands on her hips and her face blank. I sighed and decided to tell her my whole experience with the girl. "Before I go further, you need to know what all happened to me today."

"Okay, go on." She said and turned around to lower the heat on the stove and turned back around to hear me out.

"Okay, so you know the new girl I was talking about?" She nodded. "Well, today at lunch she sat by me, but it was confusing, because she said she heard I was the schools laughing stock, but when she looked up at me she looked taken aback. Hell, I was too, she was gorgeous. Her hair was golden with pink dye at the ends. She had these really deep blue eyes that always changed different shades of blue and just so full of light, I could stare in them all day. She had a beauty mark on the upper left by her lip. She wasn't like anyone I've seen in school. She wore ripped jeans and an old worn shirt with the letters ACDC on them with a lightning bolt separating AC from DC. I was speechless, until I realized why she was sitting by me, only to pick on me, which she did. She even took my glasses off my face and hooked them to her shirt and walking away, saying she would give them back after school was over. She kept sending me mix signals through the day as well. When she walked away at lunch she winked. Then she bumped into me on my way to sixth period and told me to watch where I was going. During sixth period she kept distracting me by looking back at me and smiling or waving. Then as we left she pushed me out of the way. At seventh period she sat by me at the back and distracted me again with her signature smirk and her blue eyes just staring back at me. When school ended I looked for her, but some girl decided to bully me. She pushed me down and my books flew everywhere. The next thing I noticed was Eliza rushing to the girl and pushing her down, telling her to leave and for the crowd to disperse. She picked up two of my books and gave back my glasses, but kept the books and said she would be at school earlier to give them to me." I finished my rant with a gasp for air.

"I'm sorry you had rough day. Where was Ricky the whole time?" Dichen asked.

"With his girlfriend and her group of friends that make fun of me." I said truthfully.

"Ricky makes fun of you too?" She got a little angry.

"NO! He's actually the only person that doesn't make fun of me. He even tells his group of friends to stop harassing me, but they don't listen other than his girlfriend." I say truthfully.

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