Ch 6

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"Jimin - ah do you have a ride home?"Hoseok asked hand threading through his hair.

"Uhm no Yoongi was my ride." Jimin nervously laughed scratching the back of his head.

"Here I can give you a ride," Hoseok suggested standing up and grabbing his keys "it's pretty late, Jimin"

"Hoseok-hyung, I could always call a-" Jimin was cut off by Hoseok

"It's fine you live pretty close to Taehyung don't you?" Hoseok asked taking Jimin's arm he guided them out of the café
"Bye Jin, thanks for the food... and with Zico."

"Yup no problem get home safely Chim-ah and Hobi" Jin bid them good buys as he cleaned the main counter.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" Jimin asked

"Yeah" Hoseok smiled to Jimin

"Do you like TaeTae? Like as a man.." Jimin hesitated
'What the fuck jimin? "...As a man" Who says that hyung probably think I am a complete weirdo right now?" Jimin internally downed himself.

"Heh, is it that obvious?" Hoseok asked "but yeah, I do."

"Oh..." Jimin said
'Shit... Does Yoongi know that Hoseok like Tae?'

"Yup" Hoseok said poppingthe 'p'

The walk to Hoseok's bike became silent quick.

"You excited for teaching at PLEDIS High" Hoseok asked.

"Yes, Suga-hyung's younger brother goes there so I am going to try and get him to join also." Jimin started as they reached the bike.

"Suga?" Hoseok asked handing Jimin a helmet.

"Oh right you and Yoongi aren't that close yet." Jimin smiled taking the helmet "We call him suga for his love of sweet things. But yeah his younger brother goes to PLEDIS high, they look so similar you won't miss him." Jimin put on the helmet after Hoseok stradled the bike.

"Mmm,I see you should introduce us." Hoseok said starting the bike when jimin got on "Hold on tight, mkay" Hoseok suggested kicking his kick stand up Jimin's arms wrapped around Hoseok's slender waist. Hoseok twisted the throttle riding off with Jimin behind him.

Jimin rested his helmet onto Hoseok's back as the rode together his hands gripping onto Hoseok's abdomen taking notice of the muscle.

"Jimin-ah do you usually ride with Yoongi?" Hoseok asked speaking over the egnition.

"Yeah I drag him everywhere I want to go so we always end up taking his bike" Jimin laughed

"Ah I see." Hoseok acknowledge

"So are you and Junggukie close, hyung?"

"Hmm. Yeah we are, except that brat wont call me hyung 'cause he is taller than me'," Hoseok mimicked "but he is a good kid and dont think I dont see every single look you give him."

"Wha-what are you talking about hyung?" Jimin asked getting flustered

"Chill, Jimin I already know. Its just he doesnt know how to express himself yet without making someone else feel bad" Hoseok explained

"Yeah I noticed, he pretty much turned every girl down at the school" Jimin said "he is such a weird kid with looks like his, I'm surprised he hasn't been in one relationship yet. Turn there and 3 house down from Taehyung's house."

"Who knows," Hoseok shrugged turning right "maybe he hasn't found someone that he is really interested in yet, you know. Everyone kind of just throws themselves on him, if you want to try and get his attention try ignoring him for a bit if he comes asking me whats wrong I will tell you, deal" Hoseok stopped his bike infront Jimin's said house. He turned around extending his gloved hand out Jimin took it shaking it also he removed the helmet showing his eye smile

"Thank you hyung" Jimin got off bowing and handing his helmet to Hoseok.

"Soonyoung " Jihoon answered hiding his heated face.

"Who... I dont think I have ever heard you mention him," Yoongi said positioning himself on the couch to face his brother. "I've only heard of the Woo, Soups, boo, Woo's boyfriend, and DK."

"Wonwoo, Seungcheol, Seungkwan, Mingyu, and seokmin, yeah they are the major friends I have. I met him through mutual friends, well technically I haven't met him I've seen him and heard of him. He dances a lot, he is really good and heard he joined the after school dance club jimin is teaching."

"Mmm. What year is he?" Yoongi asked taking notice how fondly he talks of the kid.

"Same year. He has a lot of classes with Wonwoo, so that's how I found out about him." Jihoon finished looking up at Yoongi.

"Wow my brother is in love. Doing crazy shit for him too." Yoongi teased again

"I'm not in love and dancing isnt some crazy shit you do motorcycle races for what..." Jihoon laughed pushing him away "Oh yeah why do you race if it's not for Jimin?" Jihoon asked

"What do you mean, it's extra pocket money for your spoiled ass." Yoongi said as he stretched.

"Aish! hyung, you have to like someone come one." Jihoon tried again

"Fine I do, happy brat?"

"Who? have I met him? Its Namjoon, huh?"

"What no its not Namjoon-" Yoongi was cut off by his phone ringing he checked the Id seeing it as a number he didnt recognize he slid it off going back to the lockscreen he saw multiple text from jimin and his dad

"Hyung-" Jihoon whined

"It's late. Dad said he is coming back home now, we should sleep. Do you want me to drop you off tomorrow?" Yoongi asked getting off the couch he watched as Jihoon did the same grabbing his bag from the door.

"Fine... No I will walk its fine."

"Kay I will head up first," yoongi said he stopped at the bottom of the staircase "Jihoon-ah, don't ask Jimin who it is I will tell you soon alright."

"Alright" Jihoon agreed looking through his phone unfazed

"Namjoon my ass, that oversized duck should be lucky he got someone like Jin-hyung." Jihoon heard his brother talk to himself.
Jihoon shook his head laughing under his breath he opened his and Wonwoo's messages

오후(p.m.) 11:53:
Ya! WOON, is Ming over at you house still?

오후(p.m.) 11:54
From: Woon💀
Of course he is we basically live together now ;) Wae, what do you want?

오후 (p.m.) 11:54:
Ugh, you guys are basicallyliving in the basement... Im joining the after school dance team.

오후 (p.m.) 11:54
From: Woon💀
What! Jinja! Wait like fr?

오후 (p.m.) 11:55
From: Woon💀
Is this for Soonyoung again, bruh I already told you I can hook you guys up.

오후 (p.m.) 11:56
I already told you it's fine... I want to do it.

오후 (p.m.) 11:57
From: Wonwoo
Fine ig, but just know that I am here supporting you 110% with Mingie

오후(p.m.) 11:57

Jihoon closed his phone looking up at the ceiling.

"This isnt crazy shit like hyung." Jihoon murmured to himself looking up to the staircase he got up and started his walk up.

Guys I dont feel like I made Tae and Hobi's relationship a strong enough to make it seem like that... :'(

Maybe I should add in things in the last chapter cause it was going way too fast and now its going way too slow

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