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"Hey jimin do you mind if we stop at a café I was planning on meeting someone, I can pay for your meal." Hoseok asked a bit weary

"Uh, no Hoseok, I don't mind. Thanks for giving me a ride." Jimin answered.

Arriving at the café Hoseok helped Jimin off the bike and taking off his helmet.

오전 (a.m.)
To: Sonji
Hey I am at the café, where are you sitting?

오전 (a.m.)
From: Sonji
Hi Hoseok, I am over here by the back.

Hoseok looked up seeing brown curls like the photo his dad had sent him.
He walked himself and jimin over to her.

"Hoseok?" The girl asked with a smile

"Sonji" he smiled back she stood up hugging him.

"Oh, Sonji this is Park Jimin, my my dance Co worker, Jimin this is Kwon Sonji my..."

"Family friend" Sonji finished for Hoseok taking Jimin's small hands in hers she smiled and Jimin smiled also with a bow.

"I apologize for coming unexpected with Hoseok-hyung on your guys', meet up" Jimin apologized

"No worries I am glad Hoseok brought a friend with him. I apologize for getting in the way of your guys' work today." Sonji apologized taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh jimin what kind of drink do you want?" Hoseok asked

"Uh... just a fruit tea is fine I don't do coffee" Jimin replied

"Okay be right back" Hoseok said getting up to order. Jimin was captivated by how the light hit sonji's hair and the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled a pang of jealousy hit him as he seen how she lit up w
hen she saw Hoseok and how they looked completely good together made him feel even worse... especially when he also was starting to fall for Hoseok he felt betraying to his best friend who liked him first.

"Jimin, Hoseok said you guys are both teach dance at Pledis highschool," Sonji started a conversation with Jimin braking him out of his gaze.

"Yeah we are"

"Are you excited also? Hoseok is partially skipping" she giggled

She is super sweet too, Jimin noted

"Yes I am also, you should have seen him when he got the letter that he will teach." Jimin opened up a bit remembering that week he and Hoseok both talked about dance.

"He seems like a very happy person in general, and makes very nice friends." Sonji smiled looking over to where Hoseok waited for the drinks. "Jimin?"


"I would never purposely try and get in between Hoseok friends. I would only want the best for him." She said right before Hoseok sat down with his and Jimin's drink.

'What does she mean by getting in between? I- is she trying to get with Hoseok?'


오전(a.m.) 11:34
From: smol brother
Pick me up when I text you @3:30 okay dance starts today

오전(a.m.) 11:35
To: Smol brother
Wait... Dance is today! Fck! What time does it start?

오전(a.m.) 11:35
From: smol brother
At 2

오전 (a.m.) 11:36
To: Smol brother
I have to drop jimin off today! And i fogot again.

오전(a.m.) 11:37
From: Smol brother
WTF WhAT KIND Of BoYFrienD are yOu?! Plus it's the first day!

오전 (a.m.) 11:38
To: Smol brother

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